Conversation Between Whitey and echo3oscar1833

Conversation Between Whitey and echo3oscar1833

5 Visitor Messages

  1. lol yeah we're a rare few i must say. its not too bad i just can't wait to get my car. only thing bothering me right now is i have to run another pft for 2nd half because schools never submitted mine and its slotted for right after i goto the gas chamber tomorrow
  2. Semper Kill, damn its good to hear from a fellow 2nd AAV Tracker, so how is good old Courthouse Bay treating you.
  3. 2nd tracks yat-yas
  4. I was with 2nd Tracks myself
  5. Yat-Yas Brother what Battalion you with 2nd or 3rd tracks
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5