Conversation Between Petz and Cpl Yu

Conversation Between Petz and Cpl Yu

3 Visitor Messages

  1. well that works out well. You can consider the IRR to be your best friend.

    you get promoted a little better and you can go do your training when you want... if you want to do a month of training in HI they'll set it up... don't expect too much from the BAH though... it doesn't have locality factored into it... so as a Sgt you'd get about 850...
  2. I did my active duty from previous contract. I have a career in the civilian world as a police officer, which I will be collecting a pension after 15 years. Reenlisting as active duty would contradict that. I can enlist into the reserves, get activated for a year or two a time, and my time would count towards my retirement for PD.
  3. you wanted to go reserves and not active duty?
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