Conversation Between The DUKE and Quinbo

Conversation Between The DUKE and Quinbo

1 Visitor Messages

  1. yOu HaVe An AmAzInG wAy Of VoIcIng YoUr OpInIoN aNd GeTtInG tO tHe PoInT. tHeRe ArE tImEs ThOuGh ThAt ThE MaNneR aNd ChAraCtErIsTiCs Of YoUr PrEsEnTaTiOn MeThOdS mAke It VeRy DiFfIcUlt tO ReAd. MaNy oF YoUr PoStS aRe PoSsIbLy SkIpPeD bEcAuSe Of ThIs.
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