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Why I Cannot Vote for Barrack Obama

The best analogy that I can compare Obama to is a bad movie… I’ll explain:
You hear about an upcoming movie, the critics give it two thumbs-up, rave reviews abound, you watch every trailer you can find, read the plotline/summary. Finally, the day comes that it’s released and you’ve paid for your tickets, all comfy in the darkened theater, and are all hyped to see this movie you’ve been waiting so long for. It starts and it’s total and utter rubbish! BUT WAIT! You stay because you’re hoping it gets better, you’ve paid your hard earned money for this and you don’t want it wasted so you sit there in the dark, hoping and praying it gets better. Alas NO! You just wasted 2 hours of your life you’ll never get back; there is no way in hell the theater or the movie makers are going to refund your money. So you leave the theater shaking your head, wondering what the hell you were thinking wasting your time and money to see that rubbish! That is how I feel about Barrack Obama, except instead of 2 hours it was 2 years of researching records and following his press. It’s terrible, but instead of staying in the theater, I’m getting out of my chair, going straight to the box office and demanding my money back!!!! Now when I see him on TV it’s like watching a train-wreck: You know it’s horrific, but you just can’t stop yourself from staring into the carnage!

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