Stanley Hroszow 06-05-06 06:44 PM
Sgt. sweating bullets. Marine cool.
07-01-06 09:42 PM
Re: Sgt Hollon & Recruit Parrish
........Just Glancing at that picture makes the hair on the back of my head stand up.....Less than two years till I Enlist.
07-20-06 06:42 PM
Re: Sgt Hollon & Recruit Parrish
Am I just weird, I still think that is sexy!! LOL -
12-06-06 06:10 PM
how did this picture find it's way out of the squad bay and onto a web site?
12-17-06 10:40 PM
i think its sweet
01-14-07 11:51 AM
Re: Sgt Hollon & Recruit Parrish
can't wait to stand in line less than 2 years till I go......simper fi
03-07-07 04:26 AM
looks like the PVT is trying Siht a golden brick! got to love it!
03-11-07 04:23 PM
Did anyone notice the real reason why he ****ting a brick is because he gave the DI an unsafe weapon. Look at selector switch.
03-11-07 04:25 PM
May be it has been some time since I did inspection arms when you get the weapon back you make it safe?
03-19-07 05:46 PM
ooh, wow I totally used this on my powerpoint project loved it, my dad is enlisting me as soon as I get out of high school he's so proud to have another devil dog in the family even though im a girl I can still kick @ss...

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Sgt Hollon & Recruit Parrish
Added by jinelson
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