Looking for 7th Comm Marines,Camp Schwab, Camp Hansen OKI
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  1. #1

    Looking for 7th Comm Marines,Camp Schwab, Camp Hansen OKI

    Any one out there serve with 7th Comm at either Camp Schwab or Camp Hansen 1971-1972? I was in RR&C Co.

  2. #2
    7thComm was at Camp Hansen when I was there in '77.

  3. #3
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  4. #4

    7th comm 1971 - 1972

    I was in 7th comm in 1971 - 1972 I'm still in contact with 2 other Marines that was in the unit Sgt. Doc Riddle and at the time Lance/Cpl Haywood Harvey. I'm SSgt Paul James from New Orleans Doc was from Tenn. and Haywood was from New Orleans. Both Doc and Haywood are Ministers Doc and I worked 34 yrs with AT&T. Harvey worked all over the Bayou land from and found the Lord. I would like to talk to you about some others so call me (985) 855-7288 . I'm working my retirement job now until 62 so I'm a Helicopter Landing Officer for PHI. I was at Camp Schwab and was one of guys that moved 7th comm to Hansen. I live in Houma ,La about 60 miles south of New Orleans. If you remember me call.

  5. #5
    Bruneau I remeber you we worked on the genarators a couple of times went the genarators were on the hill out side the main gate. E-Mail me pjjames405@yahoo.com.

  6. #6
    7 th comm at hansen 75-76

  7. #7

  8. #8
    7th Comm moved From Hanson to the hill outside Schwab in the summer of '70. We still had gear and people coming in from down south. I remember Doc Riddle well, and of course 'Buddha' Bruneau. I was with MRC-60/62s and the TRC-27 section RR Plt. Larry Childs, John Evans and Jimmy Helmezci come to mind quickly. I've worked for every one from DoD to the FAA as a radar/automation tech and spent 8 years with Wood's Hole Oceanographic as a shipboard tech. Retired to Oklahoma a couple of years ago.

  9. #9
    I was in RR&C 7th Comm from March 20, 1971 to March 20, 1972. I was at both camps and made the move from Schwab to Hansen (Henoko and Kin). I was a LCPL the entire time. I mostly hung out with LCPL William Augustus Byerly and LCPL Larry Gene M. Smith and shared "cube quarters" with them at Camp Schwab. I was also with them at H&S Bn 2nd MarDiv at Camp Lejeune in 70-71.

    I got operated on for cancer in 1984. I survived, but soft tissue cancer is NOT common for someone 33 years old. Looking for anyone that remembers Agent Orange being used at Camp Schwab, either on base or on "the hill" outside the main gate where we worked. I was with Radio Relay (MOS 2831).

    I recall a sign on the hill set up by the construction wire weenies that had the totally unauthorized and unofficial motto of RR&C: "We lay anything!"

    Semper Fi,
    Bill Haddock

  10. #10
    7th Comm RR&C 70-71 AN/TRC-27 and AN/MRC-62 sections. W/ Lt Summerall - Radio Team Cpl Mike Helmezi, L/cpl Joey Pierce, Doc Riddle, Larry Childs. Was headed down south, got to OKI assigned to 7th Comm and received the equipment coming back up from Nam. Brought it up to Schwab and spent a year fixing it, supporting floats and sailing sunfish in Ora Wan Bay.

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