LCpl Raymon Johnson - Page 3
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  1. #31
    RIP Brother, you were a great friend and a great Marine. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    Semper Fi my Brother.

  2. #32
    I have been e-mailing on facebook with Ray's aunt. She sent this to me this morning...

    "Thanks so much Vanessa-Rose. His parents are in Delaware receiving the body today. The autopsy has to be done there and they should ship the body in about 5 days. Therefore, Gwen (his mother) is planning on the service being next Saturday in Columbus, GA. I will have to confirm that with her. I will be flying there this Sunday.

    I know that the notice was placed in the Ledger Enquire Newspaper yesterday in Columbus, GA. If you send me your email address, I will email it to you. I tried to post it to my Face Book but has not checked it out yet. Hopefully you can see it. I am the oldest sister.

    Raymon's mother (Gwendolyn Johnson) is a twin also to Wendolyn Smith. I wish you could come and meet the family. I think we are such a lovly family. We are really hurting right now though. Thanks for all of the kind words that each person has written."

  3. #33
    His Aunt also sent me this link ->

    I am currently collecting any well wishes you want to send to the family. I will be printing these pages from the forum & sending them to the family, but I will also send any personal messages you wish to share with his family. Please feel free to e-mail me at:

  4. #34
    Marine Free Member jinelson's Avatar
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    Vanessa thank you for taking this on. Ramon was so dear to us and the best thing we can do for him now is lend support to his family in this time of grief. That would have been his main concern and it should now be ours.


  5. #35
    Marine Free Member gkmoz's Avatar
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    Raymon's family

    My deepest heart felt condolences to you and yours. I did not ever get the chance to post with Raymon.But I have read his previous posts and saw what a fine young man he was. May the lord comfort and keep you in your hour of sorrow. Yours truly a fellow Marine Gary 68-70

  6. #36
    Ray's Borther posted this about an hour ago...

    Raymon L.A. Johnson's funeral will be held Saturday 23 1100 at The Bridge Church on 2nd Avenue Columbus, Ga . If you are wanting a hotel I advise that you make reservations now because Fort Benning may have a graduation which tends to have all the hotels in the area full.

  7. #37
    Marine Friend Free Member USNAviator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlaveToTheCorps View Post
    Ray's Borther posted this about an hour ago...

    Raymon L.A. Johnson's funeral will be held Saturday 23 1100 at The Bridge Church on 2nd Avenue Columbus, Ga . If you are wanting a hotel I advise that you make reservations now because Fort Benning may have a graduation which tends to have all the hotels in the area full.
    Thank you for this. Do you have a link to the funeral home where Raymon will be viewed? I'm sure many on here who can't attend would like to leave a message via

  8. #38
    A Marine carry team carries the transfer case containing the remains of Lance Cpl. Raymon L.A. Johnson upon arrival at Dover Air Force Base...

    I am currently waiting to see if there is somewhere online, such as where condolences can be sent. Until that time, please feel free to send them to me at, as I am sending them to the family.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by jinelson View Post
    Vanessa thank you for taking this on. Ramon was so dear to us and the best thing we can do for him now is lend support to his family in this time of grief. That would have been his main concern and it should now be ours.

    As lucky as you were to call him brother, I was lucky enough to call him a friend...I consider it an honor to relay this information back and fourth!

  10. #40
    Ray's aunt just sent this to me...

    " Vanessa, the body should be home in 5 working days; therefore, the funeral service will be Saturday, October 23 at 11:00 AM at The Bridge Church - located at 4311 2nd Avenue - Columbus, GA 31904. You can google his name and see several things concerning him. I also believe that at the bottom of the Ledger Enquire announcement yesterday, there is a place where the Marines, friends, etc. can post their condolences and regards to the family. I have given you my phone number if you need any additional information.
    Aunt Louise"

    Here is the site where condolences are being posted for now:

    Remember, any direct messages for the family please e-mail me at

  11. #41
    October 23rd....what a fitting day for a Marine from 1/8 to be memorialized/laid to rest. I remember someone in one of these threads saying that Raymon was going to try and meet up with them for the Beirut Memorial Ceremony held in Jacksonville every year.

    RIP Marine.

  12. #42

    R.I.P. Marine

    Although I did not have the honor of knowing him personally, the loss of a Marine, and a soldier leaves a hole in my heart. With every hole I come closer to the day I will meet them in Gods platoon. His and all those before him, and those to follow have earned my eternal thanks for all they sacrifice for my, and America's freedom.

    Semper Fi, young brother............... Semper Fi

  13. #43
    Guest Free Member Rocky C's Avatar
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    RIP My Friend and Little Brother.
    I shall see you again.............

    Semper Fi Marine,

  14. #44
    Marine Free Member TJR1070's Avatar
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    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
    and be gracious to you.
    May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
    and give you peace.

    Rest in Peace Brother, Semper Fi.

  15. #45

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