Super Squad 1980 Gold
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  1. #1

    Super Squad 1980 Gold

    Hello all and Semper Fi

    I'm on this website now looking for my Super Squad brothers of 1980, Golf Company 2nd Battalion 9th Marines 5th Marine Regiment, (Golf 2/9). Wish me luck and if any of you know of a website that may have a link to the Squads let me know. There maybe some history of squads at 8th&I Wash DC. All help will be appreciated

    Thank You

  2. #2
    I was on that squad. Rifleman Kerr, 3rd Fireteam, with Corporal Robinson Fireteam leader, Knox AR Man, and Ellek grenadine. Who is this ? Hit me up at 313-413-9475. Or

  3. #3
    The 2nd Battalion 9th Marines Network is dedicated to helping former and current Marines of 2/9 reconnect. The site includes membership listings, reunion information, and historical details.

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