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Thread: Rma-usa

  1. #1


    Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending our inaugural annual general meeting of the RM Association at the Globe and Laurel restaurant in Quantico. This is a first which goes to show our strength of being brothers throughout the world.
    Our day started with a guided tour of the USMC museum, just up the road, which was totally awesome.
    Thanks Pete and all who gave us the first-hand knowledge of those wars; even had my wife listening........
    The photo shows our Commandant General RM, guest speaker, and
    Col Brown RM looking on as Neil Pennington, RMA Ontario, presents David Lowe, RMA-USA, with a Corps plaque.
    Oh, and the wine was pretty good too.

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member Rob Parry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Truro, Cornwall, SW UK
    Well done Ricky. Good to see the boss getting out and about. Who is the chap with the beard, his ugly mug is familiar..... or am I getting that old?

  3. #3
    Hi Rob,

    That ugly Irishman is Paul Meagher; served on Royal yacht before HMS Nelson.

    Now which came first?


  4. #4
    Hi Ricky,
    When was Paul Meagher on the Royal Yacht? Was he a Bootie?...good to see you about again Rob.
    Dan Archer

  5. #5
    Hi Dan,
    Mid to late 60's and yes, he wore the green lid.

  6. #6
    Hello guys,

    I'm the secretary of Corps Football (Soccer).

    We are planning to come over to Quantico next year in July or September for a few games and some socialising have you any ideas?

    We will be in Washington during our stay as DC Utd have shown an interest in playing a match.

    Open to suggestions of other good opponents?

  7. #7
    Marine Free Member Rob Parry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Truro, Cornwall, SW UK
    Well, if I may be a tad forward here..... no pun intended.... you will definitely need a few old pharts to carry bags, run on with pain relieving oranges etc. I'm open to offers and cold beer. Will travel anywhere for free food, drink and accommodation, no expenses chit too small.

  8. #8

    Would love to accomodate but your pasty would stop e. lol

  9. #9
    Sorry I'm 8 hours away from Quantico otherwise you could have played my grandson's team of 5 year old killers!!
    I'll pass on your intentions to our secretary, John Topping, so he may be able to assist.

  10. #10
    Thanks very much for the offer Ricky, but i think your 5yr olds would most likely sort us out good and proper.

    We havent got a solid itinery so we are open to offers at the moment.


  11. #11

    RMA Ontario

    Happy 245th Birthday USMC. Semper Fi!

    I need to write to Neil Pennington to thank him for presenting me (OOps, it is Rowe, not Lowe!) with the plaque in the photo but I do not have an address. Can any of the older brethren send this to me by email (for security - caliari@infionline.net ?

  12. #12
    Sorry about the typo David.

    I think it's 234 years of USMC.

  13. #13

    USMC Birthday

    Ricky- 15 all!

  14. #14
    Good Day
    Myself and oppo Curly Elstow are coming to the west coast area in September 2010 visiting from the Falkland Islands where we now live, we are hiring a couple of Harleys and intend a two and a half week tour, we was thinking of fetching a Falkland Islands RMA plaque with us to try to get passed on to your RMA any contact that we could meet to swing a lamp and swap a few dits with but to pass on the plaque to would be gratefull.
    Gary Clement (Porky)

  15. #15
    Wow! That would be great for our RMA; I'll let our secretary know.
    Unfortunately I'll be riding in Indianapolis for the Labour Day weekend; later that month and I'll come down.

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