Priors who go to OCS - Page 5
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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle40Air View Post
    i dont think its worth it if i need to be a sgt. shuld i just go to college after boot and gain my degree and go to an oso then to ocs
    That's not how it works. You can't "just go to college after boot". If becoming an officer is your goal, go to college instead of boot camp. If that's not a viable option and you go enlisted first, you're going to have to wait a while.

  2. #62
    as a reservist im not able to go to college after boot, mct, and mos school... how is that not a viable option.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle40Air View Post
    as a reservist im not able to go to college after boot, mct, and mos school... how is that not a viable option.
    Oh, I didn't catch that you were going into the reserves. MECEP does not apply to the reserves, unless you are on AR. For drilling reservists, you need to look into Meritorious Commisioning Program - Reserves (MCP-R) or Reserve Enlisted Commissioning Program (RECP). I don't know a lot about those programs, so use Google.

  4. #64
    Gotcha thanks Sergant

  5. #65
    I am not familiar with the programs USMC-Fox mentioned, but I do know that all the prior reservists I know went through an OSO. Best bet is to use google like the Sgt. said as well as talk to an OSO. It's early on, but if it's a serious option, getting as much knowledge as you can will help you in the long run.

  6. #66
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by USMC-Fox View Post
    Oh, I didn't catch that you were going into the reserves. MECEP does not apply to the reserves, unless you are on AR. For drilling reservists, you need to look into Meritorious Commisioning Program - Reserves (MCP-R) or Reserve Enlisted Commissioning Program (RECP). I don't know a lot about those programs, so use Google.

    these programs that you mentioned Sgt., from what I have been told, will get you a commission in the reserves as a limited/restricted duty officer.

  7. #67
    Great post. Very informative read. I actually put in for MECEP and got denied because of some ink on my arm. It's a shame but I plan on trying again someday.

    Again, thanks for the post.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by IVIanOnTheIVIov View Post
    Great post. Very informative read. I actually put in for MECEP and got denied because of some ink on my arm. It's a shame but I plan on trying again someday.

    Again, thanks for the post.

    From my very limited prospective, it seems the Corps is cracking down on tattoos. In my office, prospective candidates are turned down all the time due to tattoos. Even/especially priors in many instances. I would think that when the backlog of people waiting on TBS is shored up, OCS will not be as over slotted and the tattoo issue might go away. That would be my guess anyway.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by josephd View Post
    these programs that you mentioned Sgt., from what I have been told, will get you a commission in the reserves as a limited/restricted duty officer.
    Negative. All lieutenants (and captains?) are considered reserve officers, even the ones on active duty. I don't know much about it; perhaps someone else here can explain it better. With either program would not be a limited duty officer.

    Further reading.

  10. #70
    Sorry that link is broken. For some reason, the swear filter censored militarydotcom

  11. #71
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by USMC-Fox View Post
    Negative. All lieutenants (and captains?) are considered reserve officers, even the ones on active duty. I don't know much about it; perhaps someone else here can explain it better. With either program would not be a limited duty officer.

    Further reading.
    roger....I actually just researched it a bit more and you are correct Sgt.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by UMDStudent24 View Post
    From my very limited prospective, it seems the Corps is cracking down on tattoos. In my office, prospective candidates are turned down all the time due to tattoos. Even/especially priors in many instances. I would think that when the backlog of people waiting on TBS is shored up, OCS will not be as over slotted and the tattoo issue might go away. That would be my guess anyway.
    Obviously, it's probably a bit over our paygrade, but my guess is that it goes beyond there being too many lieutenants. From what I gather, it has to do with Marines being 'professional warriors' and having that 'professional image.' The tat policy has been in place well before when we went through OCS a year ago when the Corps was trying to expand its officer ranks. I would assume that it will remain in place until the next CMC overturns it. Can't say I agree, but I can't disagree, but I will say that I know some pretty stellar Marines that I hugely respect that can't be officers because of the tattoo policy...

  13. #73
    Does anyone have any input on what a tbs instructor coming from grunt life 0331 might do if he goes to be that? Also if it's a good duty and what the schedule is like?

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