PT alternatives
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Thread: PT alternatives

  1. #1

    PT alternatives

    My recruiter wants us to come up with PT alternatives but we have no idea of what else to do other than the standard football and soccer and stuff like that.

    What do you guys do? Any ideas?

  2. #2
    My Sgt. normally has us run 1 or 2 miles after doing pyramids.

    2-6 pyramids are a good strength work out. If you don't know what they are you do this.

    2 pull ups
    10 push ups (Or more if possible)
    3 pull ups
    10 push ups

    And keep going up until you hit 6. Then go back down again to 2. From there you can also see if your recruiter can spend some time out there ITing you. This is what mine does atleast. He'll have us 'watch tv', have us do flutter kicks, side straddle hops, 6 inches, sprinting, relays. You can do a bit by yourself as well. Just be creative with exercises.

  3. #3
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    RUGBY. It's nonstop (unlike football, so it's great cardio and quick action), it's fun, and it's something most of us (Americans) aren't too familiar with, so no single poolee is likely to be a superstar. I play rugby with my friends without any limits on physical contact, but the pool will probably mandate that it is flag or tag though.

  4. #4
    I can attest to Rugby. I played back in Australia for a club. There's a lot more running involved and less stopping and starting, as opposed to American football. The only problem I could see you encountering is teaching kids you play and avoiding injuries. Even touch can get pretty rough.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunner614 View Post
    My recruiter wants us to come up with PT alternatives but we have no idea of what else to do other than the standard football and soccer and stuff like that.

    What do you guys do? Any ideas?
    Sand bag relays
    Circuit training
    Buddy carries
    Ammo can relays (uphill)
    Run, swim, run

    There are many inventive PT routines that can be done with filled sandbags or ammo cans.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ThundaFromUnda View Post
    I can attest to Rugby. I played back in Australia for a club. There's a lot more running involved and less stopping and starting, as opposed to American football. The only problem I could see you encountering is teaching kids you play and avoiding injuries. Even touch can get pretty rough.
    Yeah , Prop neck hurts ,no lie . And there are alot more rules for Rugby . It took me a lil while to get accustomed to find out when and where I needed to be as Prop .But if its just for recreation then I don't see them having to learn all the rules and moves of Rugby Union . And yes its ALOT more running .Good Job Books on picking something cool !

  7. #7
    indoor laser ring in the area
    capture the flag (woods? or urban)
    Competitive Team scavenger hunt on foot by teams--no illegal things like stealing signs...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by LeonardLawrence View Post
    Competitive Team scavenger hunt on foot by teams--no illegal things like stealing signs...
    Now what fun is

  9. #9
    i am with you! That is my answer in the poolee forum though...don't do what I have done
    Quote Originally Posted by 0231Marine View Post
    Now what fun is

  10. #10
    We did swim qual for a poolee function (my first one). It was fun, but I was nervous. I thought I was a decent swimmer, and learned real quick that clothes (we had cammies on) and a 45lb pack make a big difference.

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