Making Marines/Parris Island on Military Channel
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  1. #1

    Making Marines/Parris Island on Military Channel

    I've seen bits and pieces of it from time to time on the Military Channel, so after I got Tivo, I recorded it. It's broken down into three chapters, or "phases," to differentiate between the phases of recruit training. It was pretty interesting and informative (much like this site) to a wannabe like me who is about to start the process, but I didn't know if any Marines on here had seen it and had any criticisms, props, or whatnot to share with any of us who are headed to Parris Island or San Diego in the future? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Its a good video, but its old. Theres a few things on there that are done differantly today. I believe they used to do "warrior week" at a differant time. Now they call it BWT, and its done the first week of 3rd phase. I believe they used to do the repel tower, and gas chamber during that week as well. They now do it the last few days of 1st phase.

    There are also alot of things that arn't really shown. The kids might talk about how they feel during bootcamp, but the way you actually feel, only another Marine can understand what your describing. And there are some things that just can't be shown. Little things that each drill instructor is probly know for from there recruits. I bet those drill instructors hated being video taped during the entire time.

    But for the most part. Its a good video and gives you an idea of how things are done on PI. There is also another new video of Boot camp, but its don'e on San Diago. "Ears Open, Eyeballs click"

  3. #3
    Yeah, that vid is pretty old because I seem to remember the September 11th attacks happening during the filming of it. Ears Open, Eyeballs Click is good for a poolee to watch because it gives you an idea of what goes on at boot but if you watch it after becoming a Marine it's kind of disappointing because they leave so much out of it. Also there's no narration on Ears Open, Eyeballs Click so it can get pretty confusing for someone who hasn't been to boot yet.

  4. #4
    Keep in mind those videos don't show you what really goes on behind closed doors though.

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