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11-19-08, 06:56 AM #31
Col Ripley USMC at Royal Marine Reunion
The attached picture was taken at Commando Training Centre Royal Marines, Lympstone, Devon, England during the Royal Marines Association reunion 2007.
01-08-18, 04:40 PM #32
Great Marine and Gentleman....Always a pleasure, RIP Colonel...Semper Fi, Rabbi
01-08-18, 05:35 PM #33
Need Help
01-09-18, 09:08 AM #34
Try Viagra.....
01-10-18, 05:27 AM #35
I take half of a Viagra every night , it keeps me from peeing on my feet when I get up and have to pee.
01-10-18, 07:16 AM #36
George....don't over do it,'ll be peeing on the ceiling...
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memorial to Marines [deceased]
12-29-24, 05:36 PM in Marine Memorial