Recruit dad here - Page 23
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  1. #331
    Not out of bounds in the least. Congratulations to your son!

  2. #332
    That is awesome, sounds like He's headed for some great things...

  3. #333
    Marine Free Member gkmoz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Northeast ,Ohio
    Congrats !!

  4. #334
    Well, here is nine months later Ben is still with the Harrier squadron at Cherry was disbanded. He is up for promotion to Major. Has mixed feelings, he won't be a junior officer any more. I guess it's once a Mustang, always a Mustang?

  5. #335
    Quote Originally Posted by dono View Post
    Well, here is nine months later Ben is still with the Harrier squadron at Cherry was disbanded. He is up for promotion to Major. Has mixed feelings, he won't be a junior officer any more. I guess it's once a Mustang, always a Mustang?
    WOW, Major already, outstanding...

  6. #336
    Regarding PLC, one of my best friends went through it following college. We were freshman together when 9/11 happened and I dropped out and enlisted in the Marine Corps. He stayed and after his junior year, he went through the summer program for PLC. Then following graduation the next year, he finished the course and was commissioned a 2nd Lt. He's now a 1st Lt learing to fly Harriers in Mississippi...needless to say, I'm jealous

    Checking in and rereading...Amazing how Ben's path tracked this one, except Ben started from high school

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