Pictures of Old Marine Barracks, Norfolk, VA - Page 4
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  1. #46
    MarBar76 yes I remember Capt. Armstrong,he drove an Austen Healey if I recall. Don't know how he ever got in and out of that little car.
    Very nice to have worked with him,I wish him well.

  2. #47
    I was there from 83 to 86 , was there when the flying tiger went down in the swomp near the wire and hitting an f-14 with the lav on a high hat drill

  3. #48
    I was at the Marine barracks from 1981 - 1984. I just wanted you all to know that about 40 marines that were stationed at the Barracks have a Group on Facebook .!/groups/145069652208061/

    You all should join us in finding Marines we all served with. My last Name is McLaughlin

  4. #49


    Thank you for the photos. Name Rex Hayter.
    I was at Marine Barracks 1974-1976. Gate sentry, Corporal of the Gaurd, Sgt of the Gaurd.
    Todays date: July 17 2012. I have had recent contact with David Barber, Jim Green & Russ Renner. Would love contact from Marine Barracks Marines during this time period. I was deeply saddened to read Captain (Chuck) Armstrong's death last year.

    Contact me on FaceBook

  5. #50

    Marine Barracks 74-76

    Quote Originally Posted by MarBar76 View Post
    Norfolk Naval Correctional Facility, Marine Barracks Norfolk.
    Dec 75 to 77, brig went to the Navy
    Then I waved gates till I left in 78.
    Mos was dropped and I was put in the Chemical Corp as an NBC Specialist.
    Does any one remember a Cpt. Chuck Armstrong? I think back then he had pull up record of 125 with out dropping off.

    Yes I do remember Captain Armstrong. It was sad to hear he died last name is Rex Hayter

  6. #51
    I was there from 82-85

  7. #52
    Mb-28 from 82-84. Wire from 84-85. George Medina

  8. #53
    Curtis Sharp, Chris Matarese, O'Reilly, Macintosh, Hibbard, Ramsey,

  9. #54
    Can't get to the group in FB.

  10. #55
    Brings back alot of memories,lost all my pictures ,Azores, etc. Thanks. QkDraw 0331

  11. #56
    I remember Capt Armstrong,he use to make me hold a mat up so he could kick it, he was a blackbelt,he also was in guiness world book for pullups. Capt duvall used to flip me around he had blackbelt in Judo, Watched History Channel saw where Capt Humbel retired as Bridg.Gen.What stories we all could tell. thanks for the memories. QkDraw0331 out.

  12. #57
    I was there April 73 thru Oct75 Col. Rugero? hope that's correct spelling. Anyway he once told me his office was getting to be like a home for me,just before he busted me from cpl. to lcpl. for locking my supernumerary in his wall locker.QkDraw0331

  13. #58
    That building was special Services gym for the barracks, could check out rifles,shotguns,22cal. pistols for shooting range on 4th floor,popup campers,sleeping bags,etc. used to go deer hunting in George Washington National Forest w/all the goodies.QkDraw0331

  14. #59
    QkDraw0331 check out the link above and join us .....I was there from "73-"75 in AFSC det. at MARBAR.

  15. #60
    Hey,Slowpolk.Got your message,if you go to my profile,you can e-mail me.Maddog 0311 and I are doing this,Lots of memories.Ooh-Rah fellow Michigander.Qkdraw0331

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