Picture of the Day
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  1. #1

    Cool Picture of the Day

    A young private waits warily on the beach as Marines land at Da Nang, Vietnam, in August 1965.

    The Marine Corps had been engaged in Vietnam since 1954, when the first liaison officer arrived in an advisory capacity. Marines served as advisors until 1962, when a helicopter squadron first gave combat support to the struggling South Vietnamese army. Two years later, in April 1964, the first Marine ground units were deployed. The Gulf of Tonkin incident, in August 1964, marked a turning point, with a major shift from advisory to combat duties and an increasing number of troops. In August 1965 Marines engaged in their first major battles with the Viet Cong, and U.S. troops continued to fight in Vietnam until 1972.

    Though this photo has been widely published, the young Marine has never been identified. Did he ever return home, or was he among the more than 58,000 U.S. casualties of our nation’s longest war?

    —Martha Davidson

    National Archives


  2. #2
    I need help i am trying to find a cover of my father who made marine of the month tour 1962-65

  3. #3
    Marine Free Member GySgtRet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Stafford Va


    I do not understand what you are asking here??? We all are pretty good at trying to help but we all need help from you. Any Vietnam vets able to help this young lady???

  4. #4
    my father made marine of the month while in usmc and was on the cover of leatherneck magazine i need to know where to go to get archived copies he lost everything in a fire and i want to give him a surprize. thanks anita

  5. #5
    Try this link....

    That have Archives...


  6. #6
    Marine Free Member GySgtRet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Stafford Va


    The Drifter provided a link to the Marine Leathneck Magazine. Here is another link to follow: http://www.mca-marines.org/leatherneck/.

    I admire your efforts for your father. When you get the surprise done let us know how it goes. Somebody here on Leatherneck may even know your father.

    Good luck in your quest.

  7. #7
    Trying to locate SSGt.Winger Parris Island 3rd Bn, Plt. 345 1972

  8. #8
    Ellie...its a nice pic. but well before my tour....

  9. #9
    Augest 1965 DaNang probley 7th Marines

  10. #10
    If you look closely at his left breast name - it looks liks RG or RC Coop - Maybe Cooper is his last name? I will see if I can mess around with the photo in a photo program I have and report back if I get anything more from it. Would be something to find him after all this time!

    Mary Ann

  11. #11
    I Have A Book With All The Kias From Viet Nam That Name Is Not In The Book

  12. #12
    9th marines landed at Red Beach-DaNang 15 Aug.1965

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