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Thread: Good AFTERNOON Marines
06-19-24, 12:16 PM #1
Good AFTERNOON Marines
Good AFTERNOON Marines
it's been a long time ladies & gents
the grass is always greener as they say
suffice to say, that most things are going fine
although today, I had friction and was challenged
nasty things
anyway, somethings never change.
I hope you are well, Marine.
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06-19-24, 01:08 PM #2
Welcome back. It has indeed been a long time. Not much activity here since a lot of folks now do Facebook only. It's been dead here. You remember the old days. Many people posting. Haven't seen that in ages.
06-19-24, 01:34 PM #3
I do remember
I was visiting this website frequently during my senior year of high school, while in the delayed entry program
there was a lot of good info passed prior to me shipping
Facebook had only recently gained popularity at that time. Prior to that myspace, and prior to that livejournal
seems like things have been trending downward ever since
we shall see I suppose
my kit is ready 2 go
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