Boot Marine!
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Thread: Boot Marine!

  1. #1

    Boot Marine!

    Good Afternoon ladies and gents. I recently graduated from MCRD San Diego, 3rd Bn Kilo Company, and I have earned the title! How do I go about getting my profile changed from (nasty) Poolee to Marine?

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  2. #2
    Hey Congratulations! I remember you as having asked very good questions. PM FoxtrotOscar or madsox and they can change your status. Again, congratulations, this is great news.

  3. #3
    well done jarhead .semper fi

  4. #4
    Congratulations Marine....

    Your status has been corrected...


  5. #5
    Congrats Devil! That's my old Company - platoon 3062 1972!

  6. #6
    Thank you Marines, Semper Fi!

  7. #7
    Congratulations, Marine! Ah, the Third Herd; Plt 3321, Dec. 1967.

  8. #8
    Congratulations , that's My old Co. and Bn. Plt 3047 Aug.1981

  9. #9
    YUT at this point you should almost be at your MOS school there Devil.

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