Coffee Talk - Page 182
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Thread: Coffee Talk

  1. #2716
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts


    Where is Jerry Shaffer ???
    Havent seen or heard from or a about him....
    in too long a time....

    Sure could use a good rumor....

  2. #2717
    Here's a good rumor for your EDD ohh we're all getting old and he's probably slowing down too and you never know he may have found him a new girlfriend is that a good enough rumor for you.

    Last edited by Marine1955; 08-23-24 at 11:22 AM.

  3. #2718
    Good morning devil dogs we have a fine-looking morning we have a temperature of 71° and it's gonna be hot today about 95 we have very light winds and white haze in the sky and I am happier than a broke D**k dog in a windstorm cause I'm not dead.
    Hey Ed is that a good enough rumor for you to start for this week.

  4. #2719
    Grilling flat iron steaks and steaming asparagus...

  5. #2720
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by Marine1955 View Post

    I am happier than a broke D**k dog in a windstorm cause I'm not dead.

    Hey Ed is that a good enough rumor for you to start for this week.
    it's a start


    gotta make you limp???

    maybe somewhere, mongoose will flash some of those pictures of the "Fugglie Sisters" he dated as a youth.

  6. #2721
    Morning all, I went to the doctor. yesterday and everything was great so he said I looked and sounded great. right now we have 66º and clear skies.

  7. #2722
    Stay healthy bro. Sunny and 91 here today...

  8. #2723
    Good morning everybody it is 77° right now here in my southwest Kansas home we should reach 96º. I certainly hope everybody's doing well today if not go see the doc

  9. #2724
    Sunny and 93, heat index of 105...

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