Infantry in today's Marine Corps.
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  1. #1

    Infantry in today's Marine Corps.

    I am currently in the DEP and will be picking my MOS soon. I've wanted to be in the marine infantry ever since i was playing with G.I. Joes and i currently have some curious questions that i don't want sugar coated by my recruiter.

    With the war time winding down, i was wondering if you guys had any information regarding what an infantryman can look forward to today and in the near future.

    Where are the deployments and what is being talked about?
    Is it eventful?
    Is there still action or relief aids going on to take part in?
    If i were to choose Combat engineer would it be as eventful?

    Disclaimer: The marine corps is what i feel ive been put on this earth to do and there is nothing that can be said to change my mind. These are simply curious questions so that i have somewhat of an idea of my future. The infantry is all i see myself doing right now because i want a challenging, competitive job that i will not regret. I do not want to join the world's greatest fighting force to have a desk job and look back in my future to wish i'd done different. That is just my mentality, no offense to anyone who is a POG.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and any information no matter how little will be greatly appreciated.

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  2. #2
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    where are the deployments and what is being talked about?
    Is it eventful?
    Is there still action or relief aids going on to take part in?

  3. #3
    Guest Free Member
    1. Learn how to spell " Marine Corps ".
    2. If you are going to text to the forum, learn how to text.
    3. What is all this eventful stuff you are talking about ?.
    4. Why would you think your recruiter would sugar coat things to you ?
    5. Anyone who is a POG ?

    You should go back to playing with your G. I. Joes and leave the fighting to others.

  4. #4
    1. Where did I spell it wrong?
    2. I'll work on it.
    3.deployments or anything that other Mos's won't do
    4. My thought is that he may build things up to seem more exciting than what they are.

    Sorry if this post was somewhat unclear. I'll clear this up, I want to be a fighter. Period. I don't want to get stuck with a job I'll regret and I know infantry would not be a regret for me. I'm simply trying to find out what I can look forward to as infantry.
    On another note, going back to play with G.I. Joes is not an option. The "Marine Corps" ,hopefully spelled right now, is what I'm passionate about and I will take nothing less.

  5. #5
    Hi Seth. One thing about the infantry is that for every minute of sheer terror and/or'll have about a thousand minutes of boredom. Field days, inspections, squad/platoon/company/battalian PT, mess duty, work details blah blah. I got out of the Corps pretty good with weapons but even better at ironing shirts and cleaning heads haha.

  6. #6
    Guest Free Member
    Well said

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