Advice Needed????
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  1. #1

    Advice Needed????

    Last year my boyfriend an I were looking at enlisting together. for certain reasons I waited but he went ahead and enlisted an is currently at his MOS school... and we are now married.... I still want to join as well, but I guess I'm not to fond of voluntarily being away from him for another year... I 'm thinking of at least going into the reserves, cause I really want the training, and have always wanted to join. What should I do? My husband says he supports me any way I chose...

    I'm also very big into martial arts competitions and MMA, and I have a lot of very promising opportunities coming up soon with that for training and more competitoins... but if I leave for training in the Marines then I'll lose these opportunities....

    All Advice Welcome! Thank you!!

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    Last edited by Lisa 23; 05-01-14 at 07:55 PM. Reason: On this site, Marines is always capitalized.

  2. #2
    I advice you to use a capitol M when writing Marine.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SonySanders View Post
    but I guess I'm not to fond of voluntarily being away from him for another year.
    I'm also very big into martial arts competitions and MMA, and I have a lot of very promising opportunities coming up soon with that for training and more competitoins... but if I leave for training in the Marines then I'll lose these opportunities....
    It's the Marine will be utilized and deployed where you are needed so if you're "not to fond of voluntarily being away from him for another year" and you view striving to become a Marine as impeding your MMA 'opportunities' then maybe the USMC (or any other branch) is not for you.
    A decision only you can make and be comfortable with.

    That's my take on it....good luck.

  4. #4
    Guest Free Member Rocky C's Avatar
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    Providence County
    Everyone here will have a differant opinion on your question.
    Your husband already says he supports any decision you will make.

    Follow your Heart...

    Best of luck to you.

  5. #5
    Well your married so I'm pretty sure the Marine Corps will station you two on the same base at least if you go active duty. As far as the reserves versus active duty... Well that's more your decision. You may not be thinking about this in the right way, Marine Corps isn't exactly a park full of roses it can really suck and screw you over if your not careful. You might want to think about why your joining, not so much as it being cute that you two are together in the military.

    Talking to a recruiter would be able to provide more information on this.

  6. #6
    Thank you very much for your reply. I apologize if my wording made you think I thought anything about the Marine Corps would be cute. I 'm as fully aware as anyone can be, that hasn't joined yet, on how much it can suck an that you could very well get screwed over. I've wanted to join ever since I was a kid. I just ask what I do because being married I do have another commitment to think about. But I have gotten in contact with my local recruiter, and they have been very helpful. I am now going through the enlistment process.
    Thanks again

  7. #7
    Dont join, there are already enough Marines that dont have their priorities straight. You dont seem to know which direction to go in that reads bad in a leadership billet, stay a civillian youll be better off that way.

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