Could anyone help me with my 6199 MOS?
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  1. #1

    Could anyone help me with my 6199 MOS?

    He Sirs and Ma'ams, I'm not exactly sure how to start this so I guess I will try to be straightforward and I apologize in advanced if I say anything wrong or out of place.

    Today, I talked to my recruiter and picked out my job. From what I picked it looks like I will become an Enlisted Aircrew/Aerial Observer/Gunner (MOS 6199) and to be honest I'm pretty happy with what I hear about it. From what I've been told by the recruiter it seems like its a perfect fit for me, but because we had a lot of people needing jobs we weren't able to talk for very long about it. I'm going in again to talk in a few days before he sends the papers down but I was just wondering if I could get some information from Marines who has/had or is familiar with that specific MOS. I tried searching the web for a few hours on what I would be doing (mostly Google and trying to find stuff here on Leatherneck) and could only find vague information on it, most of what I saw was that I will be a gunner inside of a helicopter.

    Anyways, what I was really wondering is just basic stuff like

    How long is my MOS school going to last?
    What jobs will I be preforming as a 6199 (my recruiter said I would be a gunner but I'm sure there is much more, I'm assuming something maintenance related?)
    How much time will I actually spend flying (I'm sure this varies from person to person but any guesses you have I'm willing to hear)?
    Does it require me to be enlisted for more than 4 years (I read somewhere online that said it was 5)?
    What am I in for in terms of being in combat? From the description it sounds like it could be something that could be combat heavy and I just want to know what I'm getting into before I go.
    How quickly are Marines with a 6199 MOS promoted? Its not really a deciding factor for me, its just always been a dream to be a Sergeant in the Marines (its sort of a family thing) and it would be really great if I could get it in 4 years, but from certain Marines I know they say with some jobs its almost impossible.

    Those are all the biggest things that come to mind at the moment, but if anyone has any other information they would consider useful I will not turn down or overlook any advice given to me, I know that I know nothing compared to actual Marines and I'm not going to pretend I do. So to any Sir or Ma'am who is gracious enough to try to assist me please know I am very thankful for you guidance.

    Also, if I have said anything that in any way, shape or form is disrespectful to any or all Marines, to, to the Marine Corps or have said anything that any person here finds fault for any reason I am extremely apologetic and I swear it was not intentional. If I say the wrong thing I swear it is not because I am trying to be rude, egotistical or arrogant, it would just be because I was stupid and put my foot in my mouth and I am extremely sorry if I did.

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    Last edited by davidmiller; 10-19-13 at 09:14 PM. Reason: correction

  2. #2
    Guest Free Member
    I am interested to know if you have a guarantee o your contract that you'll be a 6199?....I know it can happen but usually you get to pick a job field and then the rest is just luck.

    You won't be just a "Gunner", you are the enlisted air crew/crew chief. That aircraft is your responsibility and just as much yours(if not more) as the pilot(s).

    And just a little correction for you, you won't be a "Sergeant in the Marines". One is a "Sergeant of Marines". ALOT!! of responsibility comes with being an NCO/Sergeant. I highly doubt you can/will make Sgt. in 4 years, that is not a knock on you and what type of Marine you could be it's just the way it is right now.

    Other than that I really have no solid info on that MOS or swingin' with the wing

  3. #3
    Can't help with the MOS stuff either. Thought in order to be a crew chief you had to at least be a NCO. Read the "similar threads" beneath your question.

    About the only chance you'd have of being a Sgt within 4 years would be through meritorious promotion (out in the fleet, PFC out of bootcamp, or MOS school honor grad for example). Some MOS's promote faster than others for various reasons. Picking up rank quickly can be a good thing - getting promoted too fast is always a bad thing. Ideally, you will only get promoted when you're ready for the added responsibilities - if not, you will most likely fail. Sergeant is a great rank. Our promotion and reenlistment systems are designed to only promote and retain the best qualified.

  4. #4
    First off I would like to thank both of you greatly for your response, just hearing back is great news in itself. To Corporal josephd, I would first like to say at this point no it is not a 100% chance that a 6199 will be my MOS, my Staff Sergeant only told me that if I chose it than it would most likely be my MOS and I he has been very upfront with me thus far, he also seems to genuinely care for the Poolees he is helping to send to Boot Camp and he knows I am committed so I doubt he would lie to me now, he also said I have a few days to decide if I would like to change to another available MOS. Also, thank you for the advice that you gave me on my chances of becoming a Sergeant in four years and on how to refer to a Sergeant of Marines, now I can make sure I can refer to a Marine with the respect and terminology they deserve and with any luck you just saved me from getting chewed out for making another inevitable mistake in Boot Camp which I imagine is a very painful mistake, so thank you very much informing me of the mistake I made.

    To Master Sergeant Tennessee Top I would also like to thank you for the advice on obtaining the rank of Sergeant. I don't want to be a person who gets promoted and doesn't deserve it, a promotion that isn't earned isn't really a promotion at all, at least in terms of an accomplishment/achievement (from my perspective, at least) and I hope that I will both earn and receive the promotion I am striving for, but if I don't I will be happy with just earning the title of a Marine, I guess you could call making Sergeant the 'icing on the cake'. Either way if I become a part of the Marine Corps than that is more than enough for me.

    So I thank you both very much for the information you have given me and just the act of taking time of your day to help me. I know that you have no obligation to and if you didn't I don't think anyone would have any right to blame you, so thank you for helping me get as much of an understanding as I can on the Marine Corps, and once again if I said anything wrong I am so sincerely sorry, I tried to make sure I didn't but there are a lot of things I am still trying to pick up on, even on just the basics of talking to Marines of any rank, and your patients and knowledge is appreciated beyond belief. Thank you both very much for your help, hopefully in the future it will help me in eventually becoming the very best Marine I possibly can, and thank you for everything you have done to help this country and its people.

    Also, if I seem like I am 'kissing up' or acting to formal I am sorry about that as well. I just have a very large amount of respect for the Marine Corps but if I am coming on to strong as something of a suck-up or even the opposite and I sound to disrespectful please let me know. Like I said I'm still figuring out the specifics on how to address Marines who I don't know personally, I only know how to talk with my recruiter and my family members who have served so if I make any mistakes at all please let me know so I can address every Marine in a more proper manner and apologize to anyone I might have offended, wronged or angered, and please don't take anything I say as something meant as disrespect in any way, I would never try to disrespect any Marine past, present or future because I know as a Poolee I am more or less garbage in comparison and every Marine deserves my complete respect and much, much more.

  5. #5
    Guest Free Member Rocky C's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Providence County
    Just don't forget us come Christmas time .

    Click the links under " Similar Threads " like Top said for starters and other Marines will be by to help you with your questions.

    Best of luck to you.

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