1361 or 1371?
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Thread: 1361 or 1371?

  1. #1

    1361 or 1371?

    Hello I'm looking to join the Marine Corps here within in a few weeks. I am looking for an engineering field to go in. I was orginally going to go with the 1371 (Combat Engineer), but then after countless hours of research I came across a 1361 (Engineer Assiatant). I ultimatly want to go to college to become a Civil Engineer. I was looking at the equivalent civilian jobs to the 1361 MOS, and it turns out it's related to Civil Engineering. So if there is a Engineering Assistant out there that can help explain what I will be doing and how to get into that program, that would be wonderful. Thank you

    Also if you could, explain how you pick your MOS, and what are the chances of you getting the MOS you want.

  2. #2
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