Operation Eastern Exit - 1990 - Page 3
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  1. #31
    Yes Corporal Dennis Betz from our weapons platoon passed away.I believe Staff Sergeant Perry retired as a Sgt Major.I actually wrote a book about the mission Operation Eastern Exit titled Night Mission To Mogadishu.My website is the same as the title of my book .com.When you go on my website you will see a comment from one of the American Diplomats that was rescued on the talk with the author link.It is good to hear from a Marine that was there.

  2. #32
    Wow.. yep that was him. Cpl Betz. I would have never pictured Staff Sgt Miller Perry as a Sgt Major but thats awesome. I played spades with him from time to time. He was a character.

  3. #33
    You are correct it was 9 Navy Seals from Seal Team 8.I was a team leader with Charlie Company 1/2 that went on the mission.The rescue force was a 60 man rescue force combined of 46 Marines from Charlie Company 1/2 1 Marine Our Battalion Commander Lt.Col McAleer 4 Marines from BSSG and 9 Navy Seals with Seal Team 8.If you Goggle Operation Eastern Exit by Adam Siegel you will see a accurate extensive report on the mission.He was a civilian reporter on board the U.S.S. Guam

  4. #34
    Yes Staff Sgt Perry was a character.We did play alot of spades games and Charlie Company even had a spades tournament.That was a long 8 months on that ship.Did you get the cruise book from that deployment?

  5. #35
    There were a total of 9 Navy Seals from Seal Team 8 that went on the mission.The 60 man rescue force was combined of 46 Marines from Charlie Company 1/2 1 Marine our Battalion Commander Lt.Col McAleer 4 Marines from BSSG and the 9 Navy Seals from Seal Team 8 that crossdecked from the U.S.S.Trenton To the U.S.S. Guam.I am telling everybody if you goggle Operation Eastern Exit by Adam Siegel you will see a extensive detailed accurate report of the mission.He was a civilian reporter embarked on the U.S.S. Guam.Also goggle Night Mission To Mogadishu

  6. #36
    I do have that somewhere. I will have to dig it out. I havent looked at it in years.
    I remember the tournament and participated.

  7. #37
    I was with Charlie Company 3rd Platoon (Lt. Mike McClain's) (page 143 of the cruse book) My platoon and 2nd platoon (Lt. VanOpdorph's) were the platoons that took part in the Op, along with SeAL team 8.

  8. #38
    My name is Troy Smith, I was aboard the USS Trenton during Operation Eastern Exit. Their were definitely Seals aboard the Trenton. Whether they were involved in the evacuation, I do not know. I was a Lance Corporal at the time with the 4th MEB.

  9. #39
    I was one of the Embassy staff who was evacuated from the Mogadishu. There were a number of SEALs in the landing group. I believe they were from SEAL Team 7, and were based on the Trenton. But the Marines carried the load in the evac. Semper fi, and thanks.

  10. #40
    Your name sound familiar. Are you Sgt Crockett from STA PLT? This is Martinez I was in Charlie company 1/2 3rd plt when we went to Somalia. After we returned back to the states I took the indoc and transfered to STA. Mike Rojas was my partner we were from Miami, FL. I still keep in touch once in a while with Jones A.K.A. Blue. LOL Anyways if this is you let me know. If you have any way to contact any of the other guys like Dickson, Murffy,Layda let me Know. Thanks stay safe.

  11. #41
    Sir its been a long time its me Sgt Martinez back then Lcpl Martinez. If you can contact me at Rick.0103@yahoo.com Thanks

  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by STA PLT View Post
    Your name sound familiar. Are you Sgt Crockett from STA PLT? This is Martinez I was in Charlie company 1/2 3rd plt when we went to Somalia. After we returned back to the states I took the indoc and transfered to STA. Mike Rojas was my partner we were from Miami, FL. I still keep in touch once in a while with Jones A.K.A. Blue. LOL Anyways if this is you let me know. If you have any way to contact any of the other guys like Dickson, Murffy,Layda let me Know. Thanks stay safe.
    Sorry. That wasn't me. I was with the squadron.

  13. #43

    Charlie company

    Quote Originally Posted by sta plt View Post
    your name sound familiar. Are you sgt crockett from sta plt? This is martinez i was in charlie company 1/2 3rd plt when we went to somalia. After we returned back to the states i took the indoc and transfered to sta. Mike rojas was my partner we were from miami, fl. I still keep in touch once in a while with jones a.k.a. Blue. Lol anyways if this is you let me know. If you have any way to contact any of the other guys like dickson, murffy,layda let me know. Thanks stay safe.
    martinez...this is daniel yarbrough. I was just watching the tape you made me on the way back from desert storm. Whats up?

  14. #44

  15. #45
    Lol i remember that. This is yarbrough, i was with charlie 1/2 3rd platoon

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