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Thread: Operation Eastern Exit - 1990
02-18-11, 01:24 PM #1
Operation Eastern Exit - 1990
Is it wrong for me to think that most people don't know about or never knew about Operation Eastern Exit in 1990?
02-22-11, 09:51 AM #2
Yes it's probably true that few are aware of it. It happened January 1991 in the shadow of Desert Shield/Desert Storm.
02-22-11, 10:09 AM #3
Compared to Desert Storm, it was a really small operation and it was only about 10 days before the air war started, so it's easy to understand how it was forgotten.
02-22-11, 03:55 PM #4
Ballsy operation - well led, well executed, largely forgotten.
05-04-11, 10:24 AM #5
operation eastern exit
I actually part took in that operation,what allot of people dont know is we refueled ch53 while they were in flight,and in the other helo not mine the fuel spilled all over the inside of the helo and most of the marines got gas on them before we even landed,into a hot LZ>>a team was also sent out into the city,this was during a civil war, to retrieve people.extremly dangerous and forgotten but i will never for get it, years later while watching the history channel or some other channel they gave all the credit to the navy seals i can assure you there were no seals in the OP but they get the credit,again LOL, Marines just do work and semper fi,,,,
05-04-11, 10:34 AM #6
Operation Eastern Exit was the codename given to the military evacuation of the United States embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia. On January 1, 1991, after increasing violence in Mogadishu during the Somali Civil War, James Keough Bishop, the then US ambassador to Somalia, requested military assistance to evacuate the embassy.(Global n.d.) Over the course of the subsequent nine days, the United States military including the USS Guam, the USS Trenton, the 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Air Force AC-130s and Navy SEALs successfully evacuated 281 diplomats.
05-04-11, 12:09 PM #7
I remember all of that, except one part: there were definitely SEALs there. I remember seeing them. I talked to a couple of them. You couldn't miss them. They were dressed differently from everyone else and carried some odd weapons.
I remember the helo that had fuel spilled all over it. I remember talking to the crew chief about it, or maybe it was someone else, but I think it was a guy from 365. I think it was a guy named Enright, but I can't remember if he was on that helo or if he was just the guy who told me about it.
05-04-11, 10:14 PM #8
Well It was along time ago, but what ship were you on because i was on the helos and i dont remember any seals ever on the guam ,we had some CIA for awhile.But maybe seals only talk to officers,lol,they werent on my ch 53 and my fellow marines never mention seals so i have to respectfully diagree devil dog,if they were there I never saw them and they didnt ride with us,and as far as i knew we were they only ones around,so they must have been invisble ,sorry i was there, but then again it was along time ago,and memories get blurred but that what i remember ,and I am sticking with that,but it always bothered me that they got all the credit.
05-04-11, 11:28 PM #9
also what unit were you with ,i was in charlie and COmm platoon,
05-05-11, 12:42 AM #10
I was on the Guam. I was enlisted in those days. I was with MWSS-274, but I had only been attached to them for Desert Shield/Desert Storm. I had been with MWSS-272 and HMM-365 before that.
I know there were SEALs there because I talked to them in one of the break rooms on the O-2 deck when they were waiting to go in.
05-05-11, 03:49 AM #11
well who was your commanding officer ,and I dont remember you, as a matter of fact i just got finished looking and checking the float book they gave us with all our photos and names didnt see a jw crokett.LOL, so if you were on ship what was the captins name and who were your ncoic and oic,what dept, 1st squad etc,,,and as far as saying you couldnt miss the seals well i missed them and i was on a helo and i am a grunt,that op happened in the early morning almost everyone was asleep,how come you never spoke to the grunts marines that part took in the op but you spoke to seals,how and when did they get on board we were very far away from land ,so your telling me the seals were some how snuck on board,and only you saw them,lol.I dont appreaciate the comment you couldnt miss them...I missed them and i just called my old marine buddy he doesnt remember any seals around...either.So My personal feeling is you werent there,and if you were you only heard stories.Which team was it,and why would we even need them when we have sta plt etc,,,My ncioc was gunny eboli,and i can name some guys that did the op as well .
05-05-11, 08:46 AM #12
Whoa, now. I didn't mean to offend you. Why all of the accusations all of a sudden?
You didn't look through that whole float book. If you did, you would have seen me. They did misspell my name as "Crocket," but that's not the only mistake in that float book, but I'm there.
Now, you may not remember me, but that was over 20 years ago.
Also, I'm not the only one who saw them. Out of you and me, I'm the only one who saw them.
05-05-11, 11:29 PM #13
LOL, I will let it go,my old marine buddy told me that they may have been on the guam for a short while,but that he never saw them so I am letting it go,I just didnt like the statement you couldnt miss them it implied that i was lying ,operations have lots of things that happen,I only can tell my exsperience and I also am upset that they seem to get allot of credit they dont deserve,and seem to love all the high profile ops,but I willl let it go .IN the end we all served our country and did it honorably.SEmper FI ,But i will say this we did most of the work since there were many more of us,but history seems to only remember them,but thats LIfe....
05-06-11, 12:53 AM #14
i was aboard the USS TRENTON and was involved in this operation. we had seals onboard with us, don't hold my feet to the fire but i think it was seal team 8, did matitime intadiction with them, don't remember if they went in with us or not, memory aint what it used to be
05-06-11, 08:34 AM #15
On the Guam, I think we were only involved in MIO for a really short time, and that was just before Eastern Exit. I think we had a Canadian or British ship with us at the time, too, but I can't remember which one it was.
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