View Profile: acg8276 - Marine Corps - USMC Community

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    Al - I smiled while attempting to visualize a group of Marines sitting around in the barracks deep in the throes of some philosophical discussion...rather than attempting to pool their funds for a six-pack - or possibly ruminating on the sexual diversity (and/or proclivity) of their current local female population (although, said ruminations most likely do qualify as 'philosophical' in nature). Having stated this doubt, I shall attempt to remain 'open-minded' as to its likelihood (smile).

    As to your question. It is, of course, an essential component, or tool if you prefer, in what has apparently become our unending search for the 'truth' of our existence, our reality...our personal conceptualization of being. However, there is also that conceptual line, that demarcation, between open-mindedness and, as Ayn Rand would say - gullibility. And, in opposition, the line that divides resolution and/or tenacity in this thinking process with William Hare's favorite word - dogmatic. We must also entertain the probabilities of ability - can we, in fact, be open-minded? Do we stop listening when the mind encounters and automatically dismisses what is to it counter-intuitive in certain realms of the philosophical? Do the ingrained beliefs and prejudices that have tainted the conclusions of every philosopher since Solon place upon us a burden, the possibility of our own close-mindedness that acknowledges and accepts the ineluctable....that in our search for certain 'truths' mankind is, by nature and by definition, biased (mentally self-serving) in his search?

    The short answer to your question, naturally, was 'yes - open-minded is good' (smile).

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    Thank You For Your Friendship Al.
    Semper Fi Buddy

    Stephen Doc Hansen Hm3 Fmf / Aka Doc H Fmf
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    4500 view the Arizona everyday, Christmas is the only day it is closed, sad site to still see the oil spewing from her, a Marines ashes were placed there last month, a very touching place for the real heros,Semper Fidelis.
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    Sure is good to travel while you can, the wife and I just got back from Maui and also went to Pearl Harbor,very good vacation,Semper Fidelis.
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    Very good in N.D. just can't believe no snow or cold weather yet, what brings you to N.D. Marine?Semper Fidelis
  6. Thanks, good stuff on here for the most part. How's things in ND. I love it out west, every 4-5yrs we make the trek. Haven't been up your way in ovr 10yrs though. Beautiful country.
  7. View Conversation
    Welcome aboard Marine,Semper Fidelis.
  8. I understand now. Not the most computer lit guy in the am I. Thanks. I was wondering why some pics I posted I can't see when I sign on @ work.
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    Because pictures are in your mail box you can see them. Even when you post them you can see them because your computer is providing the required credentials for you to view any picture in your mail box. My computer sees a red X because I am not logged into your e-mail. Same goes for anyone. The best solution is to save the picture then upload it to a free web hosting site such as photobucket or tiny pic, the reference the picture from there.

    If you are having trouble just e-mail the picture to me and I will host it and post it for you.
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In Rememberance Of LCpl. Abram L. Howard KIA 27 July 2010 / Helmand Province, Afghan 07-27-15 03:22 PM
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