View Full Version : Somewhat Quick DEP Question

10-13-10, 08:28 PM
I've been contemplating joining the Marines for a long time, at first thought about OCS/PLC but now I'm considering enlisting instead and going into the officers later. My question to you is, when you sign your DEP contract, must you go to MEPS immediately after you sign the papers? I know for regular enlistment time period is you see MEPS after you finalize things with the recruiter and right before you ship off to basic, but don't know about the DEP. Thank you!

10-13-10, 09:12 PM
I don't know if it has changed any, but when I joined I filled out paperwork at the recruiter's office. Then went down to MEPs a little while later for medical junk. Did more paperwork at recruiter's office, and finally went to MEPs for more paperwork, final signing and shipping off. Granted I went the accelerated way, was on the yellow footprints about 2 or 3 weeks after first making contact with my recruiter.

10-13-10, 09:45 PM
Now I get it. Delayed Entry Program. This lingo is tough to understand, even the basic stuff.....my buddies and I subscribed to Leatherneck for years but it is getting so we don't understand half of what is being said, due to the lingo and the technology and improvements etc. A typical conversation about all this stuff sounds like this to people like me:
"""""I'm going to MEPS to DEP myself to GRN after ABC waiver comes thru from the 0841 who gave me 2432 yesterday, and YTZ wants me to BRNK the new MOS DEP PLC leader""""" And this is what it sounds like......It takes me forever to figure out some of this stuff.......

LOL Dave I think we need a translator. Not a clue!! it's been over 30 years for me and I hope the youngsters who come on hear looking for advice realize this

Best ask your recruiter or OSO about this and get up to date info

10-13-10, 10:38 PM
I don't believe you are officially in the DEP until you go to MEPS and do your medical, get cleared, and sign paperwork intending that you are going to ship

10-13-10, 11:19 PM
I see, well damn. I guess I'll just go with regular enlistment. I have to have a surgery done that isn't major yet MEPS won't accept me until six months after the procedure. Guess I'll go forth with getting my Associates degree then. Fuggin' college...

10-14-10, 03:30 AM
what you do is you will talk to the recruiter and fill out some paper work then you will have to go to MEPS to take the ASVAB and do medical screening after you clear that you fill out more paperwork pick out an MOS if your not going open contract and pick a ship date then your in the DEP until then your just someone talking to a recruiter

10-14-10, 07:52 AM
I've been contemplating joining the Marines for a long time, at first thought about OCS/PLC but now I'm considering enlisting instead and going into the officers later. My question to you is, when you sign your DEP contract, must you go to MEPS immediately after you sign the papers? I know for regular enlistment time period is you see MEPS after you finalize things with the recruiter and right before you ship off to basic, but don't know about the DEP. Thank you!
I am not enlightened, but this might help. I have one grandson who made a so called "contract," and he was given a couple "delays" at the Corps convencience.

Another one is under contract and is supposed to go next May.

Another one is trying for OCS. He meets with his recruiter regularly, but won't be accepted until he finishes school next spring. In the meantime he is going through their exercise and is taking some med exams to be sure he qualifies for flight school.