View Full Version : 8th Grader Seeking Marine for interview

09-30-10, 05:55 PM
To honor Veterans day on November 11th, my Social Studies class will have to create a Veterans History project. I have to interview a Veteran from any branch of the Military and I chose the Marine Corps because I want to join the Marines after High School.

After we've interviewed the Veteran (or active duty) we have to make it into some sort of project like a Powerpoint presentation or a youtube video then present it to the class.

I was wondering if any of the Marines here would let me interview them for this project. It would be great if you had any pictures of you and your time in the USMC for me to include in my powerpoint or video also.

This interview would be done through a gmail chat or private message on this website. The purpose of the project is to honor your service to this country and to learn more about the U.S. Military. So if you could donate 20 minutes of your time for me I would be incredibly thankful.

Thanks Marines.

Lisa 23
09-30-10, 05:59 PM
Try having your parents take you to your local Marine Corps League or VFW for your school project. Plenty of Marine Veterans, and active duty Marines, there!

09-30-10, 07:37 PM
I can help. Just send me a Private Message.

Capital M
09-30-10, 07:37 PM
Maybe an iraq/afghanistan Vet on here would like to donate 20 minutes through gmail chat or private message, like he said, before he tries out in town. It may be unconventional but its a possibility that he could get better information here than in his immediate area.

Don't shoot the boy down yet WMarine.

Lisa 23
09-30-10, 07:40 PM
Wasn't shooting the boy down, just trying to help by suggesting a local Marine Corps League or VFW, that's all.

Sgt Leprechaun
10-01-10, 11:46 PM
Either/or. There are a multitude of Veterans "we" can put you in touch with. You just have to decide what 'era' Marine you want to interview, and at what age level (and even gender). What is the perspective you are looking for?

Drop me a PM if you want more suggestions. I do this...a LOT LOL.

10-10-10, 12:07 PM
I'd prefer a veteran from the korean war. It would be great if you could find one. But if not its okay. I'm fine with interviewing anyone who has served.

10-11-10, 07:25 PM
My father in law did Korea,,,,,Army. Had a round blow a bunch o holes thru his pancho. Also he was a listening post forward thru a bonzi charge. His thing was TNT demo. You want Em???? <br />
Or anyone...