View Full Version : AD or Reserves?

09-19-10, 10:19 PM
Hello to all Marines,

I just graduated high school, and i'm going to MEPS sometime this month to take the oath.

I really dont know what i should do. My father was in the Navy and said it stinks when you get out and you have nothing to fall back on. But i hate my town and other then my father my family are all a bunch of bums who are drop outs, moochers, abusers, and deserters (havent seen mother since i was a child).

My dad said the Marine Corps and my MOS (Infantry) Is a bad choice because i dont learn anything for the real world and you come back from your deployment most likely screwed up in the head. I want to explore the world and have all these experiences of seeing all these different things like retired military veterans have. Im tired of waking up to have a mediocre lifestye, and my friends are backstabbers and never lend me hand when i need help with something, i dont have much going for me at home and i dont think im ready for college.

But i also listen to my father and i'm afraid that i might end up with nothing to fall back on after hes been warning me this whole time plus im afraid that my father might need me because im the only person he has (which i think is why he wants me to go reserves). Plus AD is a difficult lifestyle i here.

Which choice is better and why?

09-19-10, 11:14 PM
Having nothing to fall back on and getting messed up in the head as you put it is no ones fault but your own.

It is your career and your life, pic something based on what you want and you feel compelled to do not whether your dad, other family, or friends will judge you or need you for something.

Based on what you said I would suggest just going active duty, reserves is nice if you have a family (wife/kids) or a good job waiting for you.