View Full Version : MOS application denied

09-14-10, 11:11 PM
I leave for boot camp in two months but my application for Infantry was denied for some reason. My plan was to go to SOI then to BRC. I am the "guide" for my RSS and more than determined any training thrown at me. Any advice on how i could still get into recon?

09-15-10, 01:12 AM
your application for infantry?....you don't "apply" for infantry, either its available and you get contracted for it or you don't.

As for recon, if you don't get a recon contract you go regular infantry and then once you get to SOI/ITB they will screen for it/take volunteers.

09-15-10, 09:44 AM
1) You don't apply for MOSs. You either have that MOS in your enlistment contract, or you don't.
2) You don't "plan" on going to BRC. You either rate to go there by having a guaranteed recon try-out written into your enlistment contract, or you don't.
3) You're the "guide" for your RSS... oooooooook.

So either you don't have any idea what is going on, or you're doing it wrong.

09-15-10, 10:38 AM
If its not written in your contract, you don't know when your getting a chance at BRC. Many units will be about their guys bettering themselves and trying something like Recon...unless they need a body. If you show up to a line CO that's getting ready to pump, then you're probably not going anywhere until after that deployment.

09-15-10, 12:13 PM
Maybe i worded that all wrong. I WANT an infantry contract and they said it wasnt available after waiting for a couple months. I WANT to go to BRC... There is no doubt in my mind that i could complete it. You are right I probably dont know what im talking about, Im just a poolee. Im looking for advice on how i could still do recon training without an infantry MOS. Thanks for all your support...

09-15-10, 03:18 PM
Pretty sure just about anyone can go into recon from just about any MOS as long as your monitor releases you and you pass prerequisites....and your BN or Squadron lets you go. IF you somehow get jet engine mechanic MOS, complete the year + long school, your squadron is most likely not going to release you to Recon until after your first contract.....this is the same for any critical MOS. You might be able to wing it...but who knows.

Ask if you can get an actual Recon contract...you'd probably have to pass recon prereqs though for your recruiter to give you a school seat/spot at BRC. Not sure how that works straight from the recruiting agency.

Its not uncommon for infantry to be full...from what I've heard its one of the most sought after MOS's and there are normally wait times.

09-15-10, 03:19 PM
Im looking for advice on how i could still do recon training without an infantry MOS.

Snowball's chance in hell.

If you want to be a trigger puller, hold out for a trigger puller MOS.