View Full Version : PLC - becoming an officer.

09-09-10, 03:31 AM
Okay. Well, here is my story. Enlisted after H.S. In DEP for 8 months, two months before shipping for boot I got my NROTC scholarship. Went out to U of New Mexico for the program, ended up dropping due to issues at home. Tried to reenlist in NM just to get me back in and started up... more issues at home (divorce, ugliness and nastiness, younger sister, a bunch of crap). Now I'm back in California attending a Junior College.

The urge and call to become a Marine and earn that EGA is stronger than ever before. I want to be an officer. I was selected for the scholarship so at least the evaluating officer thinks I may be fit. I have a lot of confidence in my abilities. I run a 300 PFT. Grades could be better, but will improve as I go through college (I have about a 2.9 right now).

When I left the unit in New Mexico I was put down as "Highly Recommended" under the reconsideration for appointment section of my outprocessing paperwork. I want to know if you think I have a good shot at becoming part of a PLC program. I am excited but trying to refrain from any sort of joy just yet. I think I could have a leg up on other cadidates... but then again, I'm not applying for the scholarship because that road is closed for me now. Let me know what you all think please. Thanks a bunch!


09-09-10, 03:44 AM
I and none of us really know you so that is hard to answer, you need to contact an OSO and see what they think. That said if you have the ambition to lead the finest fighting force on the face of this planet and can do what it takes to prove it then yes you have a good shot at becoming an officer.