View Full Version : Getting in shape.

09-08-10, 09:33 PM
Hello Marines. I am pretty motivated to join the corps, but I am in...let's just say "Horrible" shape. I can do about one pull-up, maybe 5 push ups, and 30 or so sit-ups. I weigh about 210 (lost 15lbs in the last month) and I am 6'1. I have no idea what I can do to get myself in shape, I am enlisting soon I hope (waiting to hear back from BUMED about a waiver, that I was told is pretty much guaranteed) and I really want to know what I can do. I am extremely motivated, I work out every day both in gym class at school (Weight training/conditioning) and outside of school as well, I just want to know what I should start doing to build the muscle. I have been working out for about 3 months now and the only difference I have noticed is the weight dropping, nothing else really besides being able to do one pull-up and being able to do about 90lbs on all of the free-weight machines at the gym I go to.

anyways, thanks for reading my long paragraph/story, and hope someone can give me some good advice.

Semper Fi :flag:

Lisa 23
09-08-10, 09:42 PM
Corps is always capitalized, and Marine Friends DO NOT rate saying Semper Fi on this site. Read the site rules in the poolee and Ask A Marine forums as well.

And try doing a search on the site as this topic has been covered many times before. Also search the internet for exercise and weight loss tips.

09-09-10, 10:25 PM
Sorry ma'am. Didn't mean to disrespect you or anyone else, or waste anyone's time. I haven't seen any other thread that "tailors" to me, and how I am. I am extremely out of shape, and so that's why I posted.

Thanks, however, for your input. It is much appreciated.

09-10-10, 12:40 AM
Only way to get good at pull ups is by doing more and more of them. A good way to start though in order to get the motion and back strength going is to do lateral pull downs with wide grip.

Best way to train for crunches/core strength I have found is to do small interval training.
30 seconds of max crunches
30 seconds rest
30 seconds of flutter kicks
30 seconds rest
30 seconds scissor kicks
etc...etc..you get the idea

as for everything else really I would suggest just start a good weight training regiment of low weight and high reps. This will strengthen and condition your muscles while burning calories and fat. Also be sure to be running at least a few miles a week(and not on a treadmill if you can avoid it).