View Full Version : a felony waiver question

08-21-10, 04:50 AM
I have a juvenile misdemeanor battery that was originally charged as a felony. It was from a fist fight at high school at lunch time. The arresting officer told me if the kid's injuries healed, it...

08-21-10, 05:46 AM
I know its hard to get waivers anymore, but if any of you have any knowledge here and can give some imput on my situation I would greatly appreciate it.

I am positive I could get letters from the arresting officer and my schools principal that explain the situation just the way I said it, and they will both give great character referrals as well

08-21-10, 05:54 AM
I would say you don't have a chance to be honest...

We are not recruiters on here though, you need to go talk with a recruiter and get his take

Phantom Blooper
08-21-10, 06:21 AM
You may be able to petition the courts to expunge your juvenile record....a long shot.....but I would try this before you go to a recruiter.

This may be your only recourse....and if you have the officers name who told you all that....you may see if he will write a statement to the same.

Other than that advice is pretty much limited as you know the Marine Corps in this day and age is taking only those without a dirty laundry list.:evilgrin:

Phantom Blooper
08-21-10, 08:05 AM
I just went back and re-read what posts you made............

WHAT have you done since you were given advice....on 06-15-10, 08:47 PM

Except ask the same question in a different format?



08-22-10, 01:38 AM
I went to a recruiter 5 months ago and the recruiter told me if you are arrested for a felony, no matter what happens during the case, short of ALL charges being dropped, you are viewed as a felon <br />

08-22-10, 01:52 AM
I just saw your last post in the other thread, I took the initiative to go to the courthouse and obtain all my arrest reports and dispositions. I showed the recruiter, and It said plain as day on the...

08-22-10, 02:03 AM
to be more clear the charges were dropped to a misdemeanor unconditionally <br />
<br />
I didnt plea down, I didnt get a misdemeanor in exchange for community service, etc.