View Full Version : Would a waiver be necessary?

07-08-10, 01:12 PM
I'm currently applying for a spot at PLC-Combined for next summer and have a question about the necessity of a waiver for a minor injury I have. This summer I've gotten some tendonitis in my shoulder which I've been going to physical therapy for. It's been getting moderately better and hopefully will be gone by the time I get back to school and take my PFT for my application. Even if it keeps up longer, it's not really affecting my pull-ups, more so push-ups and other push/press exercises. Since I haven't been to the hospital for it or gotten surgery I'd assume I wouldn't need a medical waiver, but what do I know. I was wondering if any Marines knew if a medical waiver for a minor injury like this would be necessary. Knowing how hard OCS spots are becoming to obtain I obviously would like to go through the process without seeking any sort of waivers if necessary. Thank you.

07-08-10, 01:17 PM
IMO, you're fine. No diagnosis, no surgery. And since it's really not effecting anything PT-wise, I wouldn't worry about it. Just take it easy and keep up with the therapy.

Phantom Blooper
07-08-10, 05:59 PM
Is the Physical Therapist accredited and keeping a record of it?

If there is a record that can be traced back to a doctor or therapist if you have an injury at Quantico and it was not reported then you can be in trouble with a fraudulent entry.

Tell the OSO what is going on and leave it up to them to be on the safe side...especially if the PT is keeping records....which they should be doing.

Tendinitis is the diagnosis....

Are they using ultrasound...cold compresses and exercise combined?

Are they suggesting anti-inflammatory medicines?

If physical therapy doesn't help you may need to see the doctor for an injection of a corticosteroid medicine into the space under the acromion.

If the tendinitis turns chronic without relief they may say arthroscopic or open surgery to repair damage and relieve pressure on the tendons and bursae.

This is why I am saying check with your OSO because further down the line or with strenuous activity that the Marine Corps can offer you may have problems and if you don't speak up it may come back down the road like a feral dog and bite you in the azz!

Good luck!:evilgrin:

Rocky C
07-08-10, 06:05 PM
Is the Physical Therapist accredited and keeping a record of it?

If there is a record that can be traced back to a doctor or therapist if you have an injury at Quantico and it was not reported then you can be in trouble with a fraudulent entry.

Tell the OSO what is going on and leave it up to them to be on the safe side...especially if the PT is keeping records....which they should be doing.

Tendinitis is the diagnosis....

Are they using ultrasound...cold compresses and exercise combined?

Are they suggesting anti-inflammatory medicines?

If physical therapy doesn't help you may need to see the doctor for an injection of a corticosteroid medicine into the space under the acromion.

If the tendinitis turns chronic without relief they may say arthroscopic or open surgery to repair damage and relieve pressure on the tendons and bursae.

This is why I am saying check with your OSO because further down the line or with strenuous activity that the Marine Corps can offer you may have problems and if you don't speak up it may come back down the road like a feral dog and bite you in the azz!

Good luck!:evilgrin:

Exactly :thumbup:.

07-08-10, 07:39 PM
Yes, he is accredited (I hope) and keeping records. I am definitely not trying to hid the problem, I am not trying to test my luck with any fraudulent enlistment problems. I'll be telling my OSO when I get back to school in the fall, I'm just hoping no waiver is necessary. From what my therapist has told me, there will almost certainly be no need for surgery, thank god. He's been giving me the ultrasound and exercise like you said combined with anti-inflammatories, and I've been icing it at home. Thanks to everyone for your quick replies to my questions.

07-08-10, 08:26 PM
I certainly did you infer for you to hide the issue. I just stated that it's a nonissue.