View Full Version : What is my best option?

05-27-10, 08:54 PM
Right now I am 16 years old, just got my liscense yesterday haha. But I want to join the Marines after I graduate. I know that it usually takes a while to ship off to boot. So would it be best to get signed up when I'm 17 and then would I be able to finish high school before going to boot?The only problem with that is my parents don't want me joining the Marines, I mean I haven't really told them that's what I want to do, but if a commercial for the Marines or the army comes on they usually say something like screw that **** you'll get killed in Iraq. So if I signed up once I turned 18 my senior year, which is in April, would I be able to ship off to boot that summer or would I have to wait real long? I just don't want to sign up and then have to wait like a whole year after high school to ship out. It wouldn't be the end of the world but I know I would have to listen to my parents complain and say that I should go to college and how I'm going to get killed etc.etc.etc. But thanks for any advice Marines.

Lisa 23
05-27-10, 09:06 PM
It's boot camp, not boot.

If you sign up when you're 18, chances are you'll have to wait to go to boot camp just like everyone else does. There's a process to go through, and hopefully, you won't require any waivers of any type.....medical, criminal.
And no, we have no idea how long it would take from the time you do sign up to the time you actually leave for boot camp.