View Full Version : Question about Enlisting?

05-23-10, 05:27 AM
Hi around the end of the year last year i decided i really want to become a Marine. I was overweight at my highest being 250. Im really motivated and about 2 month ago i started going to the gym and got down to 214. Im about 6'1 or 6'2 and my question is im finally within the weight standards but I read that you have to be 18% body fat to enlist. Im around 24% and was wondering if i should just wait until i get to 18% or speak to a Recruitar now.

Also i am 20 years old and have spoken to a recruitar before when i was 225 and he said to lose 10 pounds and he would call me in a month which never happened.

Lisa 23
05-23-10, 07:34 AM
Great job on losing the weight, but how about filling out all of your profile so the Marines who are going to answer your questions, know who they are talking to.....and you may also want to read the site rules in the poolee and Ask A Marine forums too.

And it's recruiter, not recruitar.

05-23-10, 01:43 PM
Just keep working out and shedding the weight my friend. I'd call up a recruiter and get the ball rolling asap personally. If you keep working hard losing the weight won't be a problem.

05-23-10, 04:38 PM
Thank you both for answering my question. I updated my profile and will speak to a recruiter sometime this week. Im very motivated and contiue to get in better shape thanks again.

05-23-10, 05:28 PM
No problem, good luck!