View Full Version : Will I be accepted?

07-21-09, 02:45 AM
Here's my problem. As a child I had asthma. The last time I can remember I had an "attack" (and I say it like that because I cannot remember actually having an attack, just needed some help) was back in elementary school. Anyways, point being I had childhood asthma. Problem is, I've went to the doctor for check ups and stuff and have asked the doctor for inhalers for myself, but I would give them to my mom (she has severe asthma with no insurance). I really do not feel I have asthma anymore, but I cannot prove that to the recruiter or anyone who may question that information. Will I be rejected? Appreciate the help.

Sergeant M
07-21-09, 05:15 AM
You have two options. You can either A, just not tell the recruiter that you had Asthma. If you don't tell him, then he won't feel accountable for you. Second, you can tell him the whole story, ask his opinion on what you should do. Chances are they'll send you to MEPs for a waiver, and depending on how you can perform under stress, say run a mile and not die, they'll give you your waiver. Do you run often? How far and what pace? You might feel like you don't have Asthma, but when they get you running 5 miles in a flak and kevlar things might change.
For me, I had Asthma as a kid as well, but since I didn't have it for 10 years since talking to the recruiter, I didn't mention it. I was also very athletic and wasn't worried about being pushed to my physical limits without dying. It's somewhat of a personal choice, and rational thought. Can you run for long distance, in different conditions without having an Asthma attack? If so, I wouldn't even mention it, especially if you haven't had any symptons in a long time. Others will tell you that if you don't tell the recruiter everything, you'll be signing under false pretenses.

07-21-09, 07:20 AM
I had childhood asthma too. I told the doctor at MEPS and he just said "when was the last time you had an attack?" I told him I didn't remember, probably around age 13 or even before. He said it isn't an issue and didn't record it anywhere.

Could be different for every doc. I've heard they are supposed to red-flag people for asthma. But I wasn't, and it has never been an issue for me.

07-21-09, 09:38 AM
I really do not feel I have asthma anymore, but I cannot prove that to the recruiter or anyone who may question that information. Can you get your doctor to rubber stamp that? That's proof.

On a practical level, would you be able to do PT....crunches, pullups, and run 3 miles in 20 or 25 minutes without an attack?

07-21-09, 01:08 PM
TO be on he safe side I think I'm going to mention it to my recruiter. I don't know how long I can run. I know I do get tired fairly quickly, but I don't see it as having an asthma attack. I play basketball everyday. I mean it's not the most rigorous of sports but even as a kid I played, soccer for 3yrs, football for 2yrs, and softball for a year...never once used an inhaler.

I can do about 30 crunches in two minutes. Pull ups? Eh, not so much but I have some time to prepare for that. Keep in mind I'm 17 years old, standing 6'1, 240lbs. I got some weight to pull. I was never good at running, I sucked at the mile runs in school, but I'm going to start running daily from now on. I'll report back in a week or so. Until then, keep letting me now your thoughts. I really hope I don't have asthma anymore.

Couple more questions if y'all don't mind. If I talk to a recruiter, can he/she test me for asthma(I want to be tested, I'm not hiding it)? Can a recruiter give me the ASVAB? school doesn't start for a few more months.

07-21-09, 02:32 PM
You could also go to your family doctor and ask to have a pulmonary function test done. It's a quick breathing test that the doctor will know if you still have problems or not. If that test doesn't satisfy the dr you'll then go take a methacholine challenge test which basically induces an asthma attack if you still have it.

Best of luck to you and keep us informed.

Sgt Leprechaun
07-22-09, 04:03 AM
By all means, DO it. One of the MEPS questions will basically ask you about any/all medical issues, and failing to disclose it, then later encountering a problem, will result in you being discharged...

07-22-09, 12:27 PM
TO be on he safe side I think I'm going to mention it to my recruiter. I don't know how long I can run. I know I do get tired fairly quickly, but I don't see it as having an asthma attack. I play basketball everyday. I mean it's not the most rigorous of sports but even as a kid I played, soccer for 3yrs, football for 2yrs, and softball for a year...never once used an inhaler.

I can do about 30 crunches in two minutes. Pull ups? Eh, not so much but I have some time to prepare for that. Keep in mind I'm 17 years old, standing 6'1, 240lbs. I got some weight to pull. I was never good at running, I sucked at the mile runs in school, but I'm going to start running daily from now on. I'll report back in a week or so. Until then, keep letting me now your thoughts. I really hope I don't have asthma anymore.

Couple more questions if y'all don't mind. If I talk to a recruiter, can he/she test me for asthma(I want to be tested, I'm not hiding it)? Can a recruiter give me the ASVAB? school doesn't start for a few more months.

If you're 6'1, your maximum weight to enlist is 233... Before you go into a Recruiting Office, get below 230, go see your doctor and have him evaluate you for asthma or breathing issues, and have him schedule or conduct a PFT (pulmonary function test). Take your lighter self with all medical documentation to the office several weeks from now, and present yourself. You have to be below 219 to actually ship to Recruit Training, so if you're not ready to do the work, then don't waste the Recruiter's time... Good luck to you...

07-23-09, 01:23 PM
Went running today. I ran about (A little under, maybe a little over) a mile. Stopped a few times but no shortness of breath.