View Full Version : Court Closure - 90 Day Policy

06-19-09, 11:04 AM
I just got back from MEPS for the 2nd time, having already finished my physical. I was going to be DEPing in today since my court issue was closed yesterday. It was a possession charge that was...

Lisa 23
06-19-09, 11:10 AM
First......how about filling out "ALL" of your profile......then someone may answer you.
Second.....try reading the rules.
[Poolee Rules] Attention New Poolee & Wannabe Members

06-19-09, 11:20 AM
There I'm pretty sure I have everything filled now, sorry. Other than that I don't believe I've contradicted any rules.

06-19-09, 12:34 PM
There is no way around this policy. It has been in effect since at least 1982. You were sentenced to a 12-month deferred sentence. If the 12 months had elapsed, you would not have to wait. However, since you were released from that sentence before fully completing it, you must now wait a period of 90 days. I've seen kids get released 1-day early and they were required to wait 90 days. Sounds bizarre, but I assure you there are some very valid reasons for this policy, reasons that I will not go into.

06-19-09, 12:38 PM
Thank you sir.

06-19-09, 02:41 PM
It is a 90 day wait or until the original sentence would have been completed, which ever comes first.