View Full Version : Finalizing my contract

04-29-09, 11:45 AM
Officially entered the DEP - 20090207 (Feb. 7th, 2009)
Current Ship-date - 20090908 (Sept. 8th, 2009)
Current MOS - Infantry (03XX/UH)
ASVAB - 88/120GT and 96/126GT

To get right to the point, I was under the impression that my recruiter did as he said and got me the UZ(Recon) contract but it seems that the recruit who went to MEPs with me got it due to being able to ship earlier. (Quota has been met for the year)

Now with that being said, I've gone back to the drawing board.

I'm currently "squad leader" of the Poole's and on a very rigorous training routine consisting of 3-5 mile runs 3x a week, 2 mile swims 2x a week and the P90x program. I've got 131 days left till BC and I train harder and harder as my time waiting shortens.

We take an IST every 2nd saturday of the month.
Last IST - April 11th.
Pull Ups - 26
Crunches - 113
1.5 Mile Run - 9:06 (Improving frequently)

Without the UZ contract, I've decided to think over my options and make sure that I make the best decision I can at this point. Now i have nothing against being a grunt but I've always pressed my limits knowing there's always something i can improve on and move further with it but I also try to be as realistic as I can be. So as I've been looking into other jobs, I realize there are all sorts of specialized units in the infantry field that can give me that push to press my limits but I ultimately want to work my way into the Recon field.

Now with the goal of working to become 0321.

-What are some jobs that would help work toward my goal such as Security Forces, Intel, etc?
-What do these jobs offer me that may outweigh infantry?
-Should I wait for the coming Fiscal Year to try and grab another UZ contract.

Any input at all is appreciated, Anyone with personal input are more then welcome to email me.

Thank you all in advance for taking the time reading my question! Also sorry in advance for leaving out alot of details, I wrote this up really quick so if there are any question or info you need to better answer, feel free to email.

04-29-09, 12:00 PM
0321 is still a hot-fill MOS... was there anything in your background that would keep you from a Secret Clearance? Drug use etc... Your GT only needs to be 100...

You'll need to qualify Expert on the rifle range for 0321 as well, and you will need a 285 on your PFT at minimum.

If you don't get the seat for BRC (Basic Recon Course) once you get to the fleet as an 03xx you can try for MARSOC.

Did you ask your recruiter why he can't secure you the Recon Contract?

They drop more than 50% at BRC, so getting bodies in the class is always a need.

Good Luck

04-29-09, 12:11 PM
Was there anything in your background that would keep you from a Secret Clearance?

You'll need to qualify Expert on the rifle range for 0321 as well, and you will need a 285 on your PFT at minimum.

If you don't get the seat for BRC (Basic Recon Course) once you get to the fleet as an 03xx you can try for MARSOC.

Did you ask your recruiter why he can't secure you the Recon Contract?

Good Luck

Luckily there is nothing in my background that stops me from obtaining a Secret Clearance.

I'm almost positive I can meet the 285 PFT minimum now and when BC comes ill definitly be able to. As for the Rifle Qual., that we'll just have to see.

I've been doing some reading on MARSOC but as we all know there is limited information.

There is a set amount of UZ contracts they can give out a year, just like MP and once lets say all 6 UZ's have been given out then anyone else will have to wait until one of them drop out for watever reason it may be or wait for the next fiscal year. I've asked multiple recruiters and thats solid, really wasnt under his control.

04-29-09, 12:17 PM
Well, sounds like you got solid intel on the UZ contract... with a 300 PFT, and an Expert Rifle score you stand a good chance of being able to try for MARSOC once you get to the fleet. Request the try-out via your chain of command once you land at your unit. They are taking lots of candidates for the tryouts... so that would be your best bet to get your foot in the door.

04-29-09, 12:17 PM
You can always take the Recon indoc once you hit the fleet. They used to offer the indoc at ITS (now SOI) and screen people after that. I know times have changed but once you hit the fleet you will have the oppertunity to try for it there. Don't sweat it. First you have to become a Marine though.