04-12-09, 10:39 AM
As for me the one that stuck out the most was the one that I heard from the bands that would play in the E-Club in Japan and this was it .
Anyone else remeember this one besides me.
04-12-09, 12:01 PM
Bill....Mel built a HUGE MANSION, about a mile from where I used to live. Has a mote(SP?) around it, and a bridge, to get in! Eight foot brick walls, all around the property, and a gated entrance! Someone said that he built it for his Mom...but who knows? Bill, on the way to Mel's place, Don Garlits lived on the North side of the road, and had a HUGE shop, and storage area! The county went UP in property taxes, and Don asked for a break. They said NO, and Don moved to Ocala...built a shop, and to the public! The town was Seffner, right next to Brandon, Florida...East of the Tampa area. Happy Easter, BUBBA!!!.....DOC