View Full Version : A question

07-04-03, 06:22 AM
I've been interested in joining the marines for quite sometime. I'm 17 and soon to be a senior in high school. Before I approach a recruiter I wanted to ask a question. Now, I was born hearing impaired and currently wear hearing aids. Is there any chance of me getting in? I really hope this wouldn't hold me back from joining the marines.

Thanks in advance.

07-04-03, 07:03 AM
Welcome aboard.

This question will be answered best by your Recruiter, as current Recruiters have all of the current and up-to-date information needed to answer prospective Recruits' questions. As with any healthy group of people, the Marine Corps is changing all the time. Talk to your Recruiter.

Also, as a heads up, "Marine" is capitalized. Trust me when I say that you don't want to see an angry Marine. :eek: :eek: ;)

Good luck.

07-04-03, 07:27 AM
Wearing a hearing aid or having severe hearing loss is a bar to enlistment in the Marine Corps. All military services essentially use the same medical regulations to qualify an applicant for service. Before I say you are unqualified, you may want to get medical records and an audiogram to bring to a recruiter. He can have the documents evaluated to determine your eligibility for Marine Corps service.


gene spanos
09-06-04, 02:00 PM
Good luck in getting into the Marine Corps!

05-23-05, 10:04 PM

I know this is too late to post it here, but at least I could say something about this and hope all you people (including hearing impaired) understand what I'm saying.

Like Chachi, I'm also born hearing impaired (profoundly deaf) and wore hearing aids until last year after recieving Cochlear Implants on my right ear and I'm really doing very well that I felt like all my hearing is normal like everyone else. When I was 18, I thought about joining the US Army, but changed my mind that I wanted to join the Marine Corps because I wanted to follow my Great Uncle footsteps and it would be honor to follow his footsteps, but that's not going happen.

I have visited more than 10 Marine Recruiters in past 2 years (and today) and they all told me that I'm unqualified because of my hearing. I was very 'deep' down because I didn't not get the chance to join USMC or other branch of service and it was hard for me, but I'm not the only one who just got 'reject' and there is other people like me, also got 'reject' by Department of Defense, not the USMC or other branch of service.

A friend of mine told me that I should not ever give up my dreams after couldn't join the Military services and I should keep going while working harder in College/Unversity before hoping dealing with Congress/Senators.

Believe. You just have to believe in your heart that you can do anything. It's up to you.

That's my quote.

Semper Fi,

05-24-05, 11:44 AM
Even if you can't get the chance to earn your title, dont give up on the values that drew you to the Marine Corps. Always live by Honor, Courage, and Commitment and you'll find that you can accomplish anything. Dont give up, and remember, most anything is waiverable... And dont forget...Saepius Externus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infintas. (often tested, always faithful, brothers forever.) Good Luck!

05-24-05, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by USMCRCTFORSTER
Even if you can't get the chance to earn your title, dont give up on the values that drew you to the Marine Corps. Always live by Honor, Courage, and Commitment and you'll find that you can accomplish anything. Dont give up, and remember, most anything is waiverable... And dont forget...Saepius Externus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infintas. (often tested, always faithful, brothers forever.) Good Luck!

Always Earned. Never Given.

I will not ever give up. Thanks USMCRCTFORSTER. :marine:

05-24-05, 10:11 PM
OoRah! Hope everything works out for you bud, even if you can't enlist. Semper Fi

05-25-05, 10:38 AM
Hey it makes me sad to see when some people that REALLY want to enlist can't b/c of an impediment of this nature. I am proud of you wanting to enlist! There are many who would pass the MEPS exam easily but WILL NOT join any branch of the military.

05-25-05, 10:41 AM
exactally how hard is the MEPS exam? i'm looking to enlist in september after my 17 birthday.

05-25-05, 10:44 AM
Just relax when you go there and you should do fine. B/c if not your blood pressure may be too high b/c of stress.

05-25-05, 10:49 AM
thanks, i'll keep that in mind when i go. hopefully it'll work.

05-25-05, 11:35 AM
Christine, the meps exam is not that stressful. The main elements that are important are the math and english. That should be easy for you since you are of school age. The rest you should just take it as it comes. Main thing is to relax and do your best. I'm confident all will be fine. Good luck.

05-25-05, 12:33 PM
The only thing i found stressful was watching people out of the window enjoying a cigarette, hanging out with friends, while i was taking the test that could very well decide my future. i was probably one of the last ones to finish, but taking my time payed off. I was worried i would score well but i ended up scoring a QT score of 63 and GT score of 111... The best thing to do is go to your local bookstore and buy an ASVAB study guide. I think i got ASVAB for dummies, and it sure did help. i think i spent about a week straight at the library just pounding that crap into my head. actually, the most stressful thing is the physical. i didnt expect that i would be violated worse than a porn star, so that was a bit of a shock to me. Plus, when i dep'd in i did everything in one day, physical, ASVAB, and swore in because it was an "all hands on deck" so imagine the MEPS building with every recruiter and NCOIC in Arizona, Utah and some other places. It was hectic just because you have people everywhere trying to do your thing. That and i was kind of nervous, as im sure other people were, so the best thing to do is just relax and think to yourself. This aint but a thang...hell, in two months i could standing on yellow footprints and this will be like a trip to disney land. And as far as the test, make sure you re-read each question like three times. you dont want to compromise your score because you want to do it quick and make an incredibly stupid mistake. Just study and keep your head about you, you'll do fine. Semper Fi!

05-25-05, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by christine_06
exactally how hard is the MEPS exam? i'm looking to enlist in september after my 17 birthday.
The ASVAB is a VERY simple test, basically if you can read and write, and add 12+2, you should have no problem passing it. it's more boring than anything else, sitting there forever untill time runs out.

05-25-05, 01:30 PM
The thing is written at an 8th grade level.... 'nuff said.

05-25-05, 09:43 PM
thanks for the advice, it doesn't sound like the easiest thing but i think i can do it. i'll have to make sure and get an ASVAB study book and hopefully that'll help out some. i'll make sure to be as calm as i possiblly can be. thanks.