View Full Version : Starting the "fat body" journey

03-19-09, 12:19 AM
This is my first post so I'm gonna be straight...

I'm 23yrs old-68in-285lbs.
I was almost persuaded to join the army
"Just get down to 30% body fat and we can get you in..."
It just didn't seem like it shouldn't have been that easy.
Besides with a family full of MARINES I just couldn't see myself in anything but dress blues...
I know its disgusting:sick:...but if there is one thing I have learned its that anything is possible...

So I wanna thank those of you who read this and comment on this thread.

03-19-09, 12:26 AM
how much do u have to lose?
I have 80lbs to go

03-19-09, 01:32 AM
thats the thing...

Since I am clearly out of spec.

I'm not gonna go to Recruiter until They have something to work with...

The way I feel they are busy enough

03-19-09, 01:48 AM
at 68'' you gotta drop down to 181 for the max weight and 125 min weight


03-19-09, 01:49 AM
and good luck you have a long tough road ahead of you but if you put your mind and heart to it you can achieve it

03-19-09, 01:51 AM
at 68'' you gotta drop down to 181 for the max weight and 125 min weight
Thanks... I appreciate it

Now I know where I need to be...

03-19-09, 05:36 AM
Welcome fellow fatso , I too have about 100 lbs to lose to be able to ship(227 is my max weight) . I started my journey in December and to date I have lost about 60 lbs .I talked with a recruiter in mid-to-late January and he suggested that I get down to 290 and then we would talk(I started out @ 397 ,today I weigh 342) ( I think it would be a good idea if you went and just asked what weight you needed to be @ just so they know your face,so when you come back in ALOT thinner they would be witness first hand to your determination,just a suggestion though ) Have you set a goal date yet ? I'm looking @ September to DEP in ( I need to be @ 246 ) . Also what does your diet and training look like ? PM me if you need any help or motivation . Don't quit !

03-19-09, 06:50 AM
Good luck, man.
Ive lost almost 75 lbs in 4 months.

Just don't give up, and don't look back, is all I can say.
Also, be careful about your joints...don't try and do too much, like I have before.

Best Wishes, Josh.

03-19-09, 07:53 AM
I am on the same road. I have come down a bunch in the last few months, but I started at 285lbs / 71" tall. Now I am at 245lbs, and steadily moving toward my goal of 185.
If you haven't already, make sure you take a look at the below threads, both started by (now) LCpl. Accord. They discuss his weight loss in preparation for The Corps, and I found plenty of helpful information throughout both threads. The before and after pictures are huge motivation alone!

The best of luck to you, and keep at it!



03-19-09, 08:47 AM
Have you set a goal date yet ? I'm looking @ September to DEP in ( I need to be @ 246 ) . Also what does your diet and training look like ? PM me if you need any help or motivation . Don't quit !

Well I want to swear in about 6-8 months from now...(sooner if possible)
as for diet... IDK lol every time I try to lose weight its this aspect that screws me up... When I was in High School I played football, wrestled, and ran track no diet needed I never gained weight as soon as I graduated I ballooned because I didn't change my eating habits but was also not exercising anymore. So dieting has been the hardest part of losing weight.

As for training I am going to try Couch to 5k to get my running time down from 1.5 in 20min (with some walking:cry:) to 3mi in the required time. I can still do about 20 crunches and half of one pull up... So I wanna run in the morning then get home do crunches and push ups...

But Thank you wes its good to see I am not alone

New York
03-19-09, 03:39 PM
Got to start somewhere is what I say, better now then never. I use to work at my old HS as a Gym Assistant. One of my duties was to help the guys who were overweight find a exercise that worked well with their structure. It was football most of the time and basketball for the ones who really pushed themselves (since Basketball is a harder activity in the sense that it requires more physical movements and muscle involvements, burning more calories/fat).

So what I'm saying is, find a ACTIVITY that gets you burning calories. Maybe running is not a good choice since your body is not use to that kind of stress. Start off easy and then work your way up, but also eat right and less. The more calories you burn with a balance amount of intake calories, you have weight loss.

Do not starve yourself, do not deny yourself of energy(food), and you most eat at appropriate times. If you don't, the moment you start to consume food your body will store this intake as means of survival mode for next time (fat). Depriving your body is by no means a smart choice, but giving your body the amount in a balance form allows for replenishment to be used in the right form of energy. Eat one large meal and smaller meals through out the day, this allows your body to learn how to properly store and use your intakes in means of energy for correct functions.

There is no such thing as a diet, this doesn't exist. Learn what food groups work for you and which don't (the ones that got you here in the first place).

Good luck...


03-19-09, 04:00 PM
Good luck everyone! I thought I had a ways to go...I have about 30lbs to lose before I can go back to my recruiter. Then I have about another 30lbs before I can DEP. I've lost about 15lbs so far in the past month. Feels good! :)

03-19-09, 04:09 PM
Got to start somewhere

Yup... appreciate it...

03-19-09, 09:00 PM
I am not in your exact shoes, as I am about 30 lbs away, but I haven't always been that way. Dieting is the hardest part for me as well. I have a little brother who can eat whatever he wants and never gain a pound, where as if I look at food I gain at least 3. The key is to make things that are both good and good for you. I love chicken, if you put it in an aluminum foil boat on a cookie tray, some worcestershire(spelling?), some garlic powder, and seasoned salt on it and then put it in the oven at 350 degrees for half an hour. Then you can get these really cool ziploc bags so you can steam broccoli or cauliflower in a coupla minutes. Makes for a 300-450 calorie meal (Depending on how much you eat, the size of the chicken and what not) and also fills you up. Good luck, if I can do it so can you.

03-19-09, 09:07 PM
I had to lose alot of weight before I joined too. The key aspect your looking at is your diet, im sure you understand that you cant eat bull**** junk food anymore. Eat 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day, about 500 calories each, and go for a walk hell AZ is starting to become nice out again and once that gets boring start mixing that up with jogging then slowly progress. The reason to eat like that is to quicken your metabolism. Try eating the biggest meal in the morning and not so much at night.

If your by Sunnyside high, go talk to the wrestling coach and try to work out with the freestyle wrestlers. Mainly just keep moving and youll see pounds shed. Just find **** to do, walk stairs instead of using the elevator drink water instead of gatorade or soda. the small **** adds up.

Someone mentioned earlier about the weight limits for body height, as long as you can pass the tape youll be good to go. Im sure you have some muscle so it might be hard to get down that low. Hell im 6' and 255 pounds but I can definately pass the bf tape and can out PT some guys 100 pounds less than me.

Keep your head high and dont quit.

03-20-09, 05:35 PM
Keep your head high and dont quit.

Oh I wont...

Its funny I told my two MARINE cousins about what I was doing...

Now they have my weekends planned from now til I ship out

03-21-09, 09:47 AM
keep what you want in your mind, once you lose enough wait to sign up buddy, Youll lose even more in Bootcamp, by the time there done with you youll be in fine fine shape.

03-21-09, 10:41 AM
I wish you all the best of luck on your journey.

03-21-09, 09:59 PM
I wish you all the best of luck on your journey.

Thank you...

03-22-09, 01:47 AM
Good luck and I know for a fact if you want it, you can have it.

I am 71" and I was 280 as a Junior in High School. I took a look in the mirror one day and said this is not where I want to be. That summer I lost 30lbs and was at 250lbs until around December of last year, when I started looking into the Armed Forces. When I went in, and my Ssgt. has pictures to prove it, I was 250lbs and one of those guys you would say "no way in hell." I DEP'd in April 18th, 2008 at 220lbs, unable to meet ANY of the IST requirements. I treaded water finishing my 2nd year of college (a mistake, I will admit) until December when at 230lbs me and my recruiter decided it's time for this to happen.

I got lucky because my recruiter has given me and others like me TONS of his very precious time. I spent 2+ months going 4-5 times a week to the gym with him in addition to pool functions every weekend and working out on my own (not as much as I should have, I'll admit that as well)

I passed my final inspect last Friday (203lbs, 5 pull ups, 51 crunches) and I leave for Boot Camp Monday.

The other recruiters flat out told me a few weeks ago that when I walked in, none of them believed I would make it. I was lucky enough to get a motivated Marine Recruiter who went the distance and I owe him a lot.

I'm 75lbs below my personal heaviest and in the best shape of my life (and Boot will only make that more true). A little bit of MOTIVATION combined with support from friends/family and I guarantee that you can get to weight.

When I get back from Boot I'll provide some proof on the above. Goodluck Ray!

03-24-09, 08:01 PM
Good luck and I know for a fact if you want it, you can have it.

I am 71" and I was 280 as a Junior in High School. I took a look in the mirror one day and said this is not where I want to be. That summer I lost 30lbs and was at 250lbs until around December of last year, when I started looking into the Armed Forces. When I went in, and my Ssgt. has pictures to prove it, I was 250lbs and one of those guys you would say "no way in hell." I DEP'd in April 18th, 2008 at 220lbs, unable to meet ANY of the IST requirements. I treaded water finishing my 2nd year of college (a mistake, I will admit) until December when at 230lbs me and my recruiter decided it's time for this to happen.

I got lucky because my recruiter has given me and others like me TONS of his very precious time. I spent 2+ months going 4-5 times a week to the gym with him in addition to pool functions every weekend and working out on my own (not as much as I should have, I'll admit that as well)

I passed my final inspect last Friday (203lbs, 5 pull ups, 51 crunches) and I leave for Boot Camp Monday.

The other recruiters flat out told me a few weeks ago that when I walked in, none of them believed I would make it. I was lucky enough to get a motivated Marine Recruiter who went the distance and I owe him a lot.

I'm 75lbs below my personal heaviest and in the best shape of my life (and Boot will only make that more true). A little bit of MOTIVATION combined with support from friends/family and I guarantee that you can get to weight.

When I get back from Boot I'll provide some proof on the above. Goodluck Ray!

alright man good luck...

Ill be there soon enough...

03-24-09, 10:54 PM
Diet and cardio is the way to go. If you cant run just yet, walk fast paced for a while, hour or two a day. Eat right, drink only water, and you will drop weight fast. Good luck man