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View Full Version : New GI Bill, housing stipend?

08-11-08, 05:42 PM
I cant find it anywhere, but this new GI bill is nuts. Full tuition AND BAH for an E5 with dependents? Sweeet.

Anyways, regarding the BAH, I cant find out if its just for the academic months (aka paying for a dorm) or if you get the BAH pay the entire 4 years you're going to college. It makes a difference because if you were to rent an apartment, you could use your consistent BAH pay to pay the apartment with each month, but if its only during the academic months you'd have to go without during the summer and winter holidays and pay for it yourself.

08-11-08, 05:59 PM
The new GI Bill is for 36 months unless I'm mistaken.

Which means you'd have to be going through the summer anyway.

08-11-08, 09:13 PM
Its 36 months, over the course of 4 years, not taking summer classes, that equals 36 academic months.

08-11-08, 09:41 PM
If that's the case then you don't rate the BAH unless your taking classes.