View Full Version : shipping bonus?

08-08-08, 10:19 AM
ok i dont want to give anyone the idea that i joined the corps for some kind of bonus, but it's just that i have myself in a little debt that i would like to pay off. my recruitor told me that the corps dosent offer any kind of sign on bonus but yet some MOS's have bonus's attatched to them. He told me to read on about.com for any other information i needed. After doing so i ran across this- http://usmilitary.about.com/od/marinebonuses/a/enlbonus7.htm

can some one explain to me how i can get this? thank you very much

08-08-08, 10:45 AM
There are bonuses but a) not everyone qualifies for them and b) they are limited in number so they may be already taken.

Shape up your writing. Use proper grammar like it says in the rules.