View Full Version : Dealing with Recruiters

07-25-08, 11:38 PM
I really hope this does not come across in a negative way, because I don't mean it to. <br />
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Backstory: In my area, there's only one recruiter (the main office for the district is an hour away, so one...

07-26-08, 12:00 AM
Any advice is appreciated, even if you do tell me to cowgirl up.

Semper Gumby "Alway's flexible"...........Just roll with it, What choice do you really have? make the best of a situation that you have no control over and just stay motivated. You'll probably find yourself in these situations alot, not only while in the Marine Corps but in life. :usmc:

07-26-08, 12:15 PM
yeah and also keep inmind your not legally obligated to go until you swear in at meps the secound time, so if your mos isnt what you want by the just break off the contract and sign up at a later date.

07-26-08, 04:19 PM
Tiffany - you need to find yourself a "hungry" Recruiter. They very seldom go all out for us like they do the guys anyway. PT on your own or get a friend to do it with you and get locked in girl! Time's a wastin'!

07-26-08, 06:48 PM
Ok kid, as a former USMC recruiter, here is what you need to do. First your already in the Corps, and not to sound negative but "some" recruiters dont look after another recruiters poolee as well as they would there own. I said "some" because most do, but in this case what I would do is get a hold of your recruiting stations NCOIC ASAP. If he/she is no help (Im sure they will be helpful, but this is just in case) EVERY RS has a pool laison. He/she is a recruiter but the only duties they have is to help handle the pool. He/she works for the RS Sergeant Major, you probably met this Marine the day you DEP'd in. You should only call this Marine as a LAST resort. Again, 1st call RSS NCOIC, if that does not work out then 2nd call the RS Pool liason. Good luck and let me know if you need any other advice.

/she i

07-26-08, 07:22 PM
Sergeant - My station's NCOIC (the local one) is actually the one not calling me. lol

Thank you very much for the advice Marines. It's great having you around to help out.

07-26-08, 09:10 PM
No problem. I guess he is not calling you, do you have a ship date? Do you have a program (mos) ? If not, I suggest that you call him yourself and tell him that you have neither. I would do this ASAP.