View Full Version : DEP Questions

07-20-08, 01:52 AM
I was wondering if the DEP program is capable of making me fit enough for the Marine Corps.

I am really unfit right now and I have never played any sports throughout all my life, I am 18 years old, 5'10 and yet I am only 115 LBS; for my height, I don't weigh enough to even make it through to become a recruit. I am really skinny and I can't even run a quarter mile without grasping for air.

I am at home all the time watching TV and playing Gran Turismo and Starcraft. Right now I know for sure I would not even make it through a week of basic training.

I want to know if DEP is able to make me fit enough, I am 18 years old right now so I am old enough to join; I have a high school degree, I graduated on June.

Thank you for taking your time reading my post,


Dave Le

07-20-08, 02:31 AM
Hey Dave,

(Short answer down below!)
To answer your question the DEP will help you become stronger but only to an extent. It really depends on how badly you want to ship to boot camp and start the journey to becoming a Marine. In the DEP you will go to Poolee functions where youll work out a bit but these are usually only 1 or 2 times a month. So yes you will get some benefit from it but its going to take alot more PT then that if your have as much trouble as your letting on. The only thing you can do to improve on your run is to get out there and get some. Put the video games away if your serious about leaving for boot camp. You said your just out of high school and that you sit at home all day so why dont you get yourself into some kind of routine and work out 2-3 times a day. Your 115lbs the minimum weight for your height is 132 inches and im sure you could get 10 pounds waivered so your really not that far off.

So in short- Yes the DEP will make your stronger and you will learn some basic Marine things(drill,general orders, etc) depending on how your DEP is run but it will take FOREVER for you to get in shape if you soley depend on that 1 or 2 workouts a month.

Im not sure if we are allowed to link to other sites(if not please delete this) but check out www.Bodybuilding.com (http://www.Bodybuilding.com) they have alot of information about ways to gain weight in a healthy way.

-LCPL Penfold

07-20-08, 02:37 AM
Are you sure dep is only 1-2 workouts a month? My friend was in DEP when he was still in school, and he said they came over to his school about 3 times a week to get him to workout.

07-20-08, 02:39 AM
Are you sure dep is only 1-2 workouts a month? My friend was in DEP when he was still in school, and he said they came over to his school about 3 times a week to get him to workout.

It depends on the Marine that is running the DEP program, you can always ask your recruiter if he would PT with you and help you out in whatever area your lacking(pull ups,crunches,run) whatever it may be.

-LCPL Penfold

07-20-08, 02:41 AM
It depends on the Marine that is running the DEP program, you can always ask your recruiter if he would PT with you and help you out in whatever area your lacking(pull ups,crunches,run) whatever it may be.

-LCPL Penfold

Thanks a lot for the help man, But what does PT mean? I'm sorry but I'm really a noob at these type of things. And yeah I'll call in the Marine Corps recruit center at Burnsville tomorrow and ask them about the DEP and if they can hook me up with someone who will be willing to help me out at least 3 times a week. I'm pretty sure I need to work out on everything, pull-ups, crunches, and especially running.

07-20-08, 02:45 AM
Physical Training

07-20-08, 04:47 AM
Wow, it was a trip to see the station I was recruited at mentioned here, but I thought I'd pitch in, even though I'm just a poolee...

Sgt. Reeves runs PT Wednesday afternoons at 3:30 and Saturday mornings at 8:30. We also do pool functions on the 2nd Saturday of the month, and the recruiters are super helpful to do what they can to get you into shape. If you have any other questions, DEFINITELY call the station, or you can even PM me here and I'll try and help with what I can.

07-20-08, 08:25 AM
Don't count on others for what you need to do for yourself. You can't augment your own willpower with the thought that someone else is responsable for your failure.

What you want,,,,,You gotta get. There is help, but in the end, It's gotta be You.

Good luck, Son.

07-21-08, 10:49 AM
I am at home all the time watching TV and playing Gran Turismo and Starcraft. Right now I know for sure I would not even make it through a week of basic training.

well Dave here's my advice...
get off your butt and PT. watching TV and playing video games isnt going to help you get in shape. you cant always depend on someone else to get you motivated. if you want it, you gotta earn it.

07-21-08, 07:42 PM
Wow, it was a trip to see the station I was recruited at mentioned here, but I thought I'd pitch in, even though I'm just a poolee...

Sgt. Reeves runs PT Wednesday afternoons at 3:30 and Saturday mornings at 8:30. We also do pool functions on the 2nd Saturday of the month, and the recruiters are super helpful to do what they can to get you into shape. If you have any other questions, DEFINITELY call the station, or you can even PM me here and I'll try and help with what I can.

I'll see you at PT then. I just went to the recruiting office today, great stuff. I am going to bootcamp in October, they said they can get me fit by that time and I'll have go to PT every Saturday and Wednesday as well as working out myself by running and doing pushups at home..

07-22-08, 04:11 PM
Being that light in the britches if you did make it to Boot Camp with that weight. You'd be a double rations recruit.

:marine:Semper FI 4 Life
Give me liberty or i'll get it myself!!!

07-23-08, 06:39 PM
oh man.. i went to physical training today for first time and it's the hardest thing i've ever had to do in my life.. yet it's not even basic training yet. i was so exhausted.

07-23-08, 07:04 PM
Instead of watching that TV,,,Meebe you should carry it around with you.
Look, Son,,,, It will always be all you. So do it. [Or Not].

You weren't exausted, Just mentally challenged. Time to grow up,Pup.

07-25-08, 10:10 PM
my arms are still really really sore from PT on wednsday, i have another PT tomorrow at 8am. =/ i'm still going, but just wondering if you guys have any tips on how to cope with it better.

07-25-08, 10:20 PM
my arms are still really really sore from PT on wednsday, i have another PT tomorrow at 8am. =/ i'm still going, but just wondering if you guys have any tips on how to cope with it better.

I would rub Bengay cream, it's a heat rub, all over your body, especially the spots that are sore before you go to PT with the recruiters.

And, while you're at it Dave, to help with the chaffing from your shorts rubbing you know where, I would stuff some tissue between your legs before you run, it will be nice a soft and help with the chaffing.


07-25-08, 10:47 PM
i asked my friend what it is because after PT i didn't feel sore or anything, but when i woke up the next morning and moved my arms, it was really painful. my friend said i have (DOMS) Delay Onset Muscle Soreness

he say that it happens when i start a new workout because my muscles aren't use to the training yet.


and i have PT tomorrow again too =( is it healthy for you to work out while in DOMS? or should i tell my recruiter?

07-25-08, 11:09 PM
Cowboy Up, LeDave!!

This ain't the couch or video games anymore.

At some point it will get to where, iffen you don't PT, you will feel bad, for vegging out.

Suck it up. You can do it.

07-25-08, 11:17 PM
lol alright i'll do PT tomorrow.

07-26-08, 09:15 AM
lol alright i'll do PT tomorrow.

I hope you didn't forget the bengay and tissue?:marine:

07-27-08, 11:14 PM
If I'm out of line, please say so, and I greatly apologize if that's the case.

But, why would you have to rely on DEP to get into shape? Do you not have personal motivation to become physically fit on your own accord?

"Never, never quit!"

08-10-08, 11:01 AM
Draco, you have to look at it outside the box. LeDave has no experience with PT whatsoever. He never made it a part of his life. So now he's got to form new habits and build an interest in this lifestyle change. While he shouldn't rely on DEP, I think it's a great start for him as it will push him in the right direction.

And as for you LeDave, don't forget to stretch after PT. I recommend doing it multiple times throughout the day. Also, since you're going to be building muscle, you need to consume more protein. Eggs, tuna fish and milk are three cheap and easy sources. If you enjoy meat, I highly recommend Bison meat. It has a different texture and flavor to it, but it's packed with lots of protein. In fact, I have some in my freezer, and it says one 4-oz serving packs 190 calories and 23g of protein (40% DV); it's kind of high in fat, which I wish I noticed sooner, so try not to eat too much of it in one sitting ;)

08-25-08, 12:19 PM
Another thing to help with your soreness is potassium, it helps to flush out the lactic acid that builds up in your muscles (bananas and bell peppers are a good way to get it), eat some an hour or...

08-28-08, 05:31 PM
Hydrate lots. Hydrate the day before you PT, meaning drink water with a Gatorade or two (too much water flushes out good nutrients and electrolytes) throughout the day. You should be urinating regularly and it should NOT be brown (dark orange), light orange, yellow. It should be pretty close to clear. A banana or two a day is a great idea anyway and doubly so if you're exercising. If you're one of those guys who can eat a lot and never put on weight you'll want to add a significant amount of carbs to your diet. COMPLEX carbs like brown (unbleached) rice, wheat bread, unbleached pasta, etc. Carbs are what your body uses for energy. If you don't consume enough, you'll fatigue significantly quicker. Just some tips...

08-28-08, 06:33 PM
Gents, did anyone else seemed alarmed with the October ship date? Is this enough time for him?

LeDave, I understand that this is all new to you, but listen up please. You sounded defeated after your first PT session. You did say you were still going to go to the next one, which is where I'm going with this. You have to develop your mind as well as your body. Sure it hurts physically. Strengthen your mind. "I can do this...I WILL DO THIS, no matter what. Mentality is as important if not more important than physical. So work on that. You always need a "can-do" attitude. With that, nothing will ever stop you.

08-29-08, 01:17 AM
...And, while you're at it Dave, to help with the chaffing from your shorts rubbing you know where, I would stuff some tissue between your legs before you run, it will be nice a soft and help with the chaffing...


Actually instead of tissues, I would recommend slapping on some baby powder, Its a personal preference, but it definitely works.

08-29-08, 01:39 AM
Actually instead of tissues, I would recommend slapping on some baby powder, Its a personal preference, but it definitely works.

Actually, to get in shape and be tough, go ahead and slap on the BenGay, rubbing it you know where.

You'll actually run longer and faster, either looking for a pool or snow bank to jump into, or just to get the wind blowing betwixt your legs.

Methinks you won't be doing any horseback riding for a while afterwards.

09-05-08, 06:09 AM
so my recruiter called me yesterday. he will pick me up around 2 today and i'll be going to the hotel. i'll wake up early morning on saturday for MEPS.

so just wondering if you guys can you know wish me the best and pray for me or something.

09-05-08, 07:00 AM

09-05-08, 01:38 PM
Actually, to get in shape and be tough, go ahead and slap on the BenGay, rubbing it you know where.

You'll actually run longer and faster, either looking for a pool or snow bank to jump into, or just to get the wind blowing betwixt your legs.

Methinks you won't be doing any horseback riding for a while afterwards.

Never tried Bengay, but I had a run-in with IcyHot during a tornado watch (and to think i was so excited cause we got to skip training). I ran for the latrine pretty quick and ended up knocking myself out because the door was locked and I hit it full force. Yeah, I was that guy.

09-05-08, 03:35 PM
lol well it's been weeks since i creaetd this thread. and speaking of running. i've been running a lot lately and now i can run the mile in 7 minutes and 30 seconds. when i created this thread, i could only run 3/10th of a mile before dying. i'm hoping to improve my running by being able to run 2 miles by the end of this month ^.^

09-08-08, 08:12 PM
What, if any, advice from this thread have you followed? Where are you on pull-ups and crunches?

09-28-08, 01:38 PM
I've Been going to PT for a few months now, waiting to ship out in December, after a while your body gets use to the pain and what not and the exercises get easier when that happens do more reps and go running and do push ups, pull ups and sit ups on your own to get your body into better shape while you still have the time.

10-15-08, 12:30 AM
LeDave, if you aren't able to gain weight before boot camp...you'll gain it there. I always tried to gain weight throughout high school, ate like a horse but could never gain a pound. I got put on double rations at boot, ended up gaining almost 20 pounds of muscle. Just focus on getting in decent physical shape...boot camp is 90% mental so don't feel like you have to become a PT stud to survive there

10-15-08, 12:41 AM
lol thanks you guys, i've been going to PT every week, never skipped once. And I've improved a lot. We ran 2 miles at PT a few times and I didn't fall out. I also gained almost 9 lbs already by eating a lot and drinking a lot of that GNC Mass XXX weight gaining protein.

I never thought I would improve this fast in this small amount of time. I'm shipping out to MCRD San Diego in January 5th, but I told my recruiter I want to ship out in December instead so we'll see. I chose my MOS already too, it's somewhere around 0600 which is communications.

11-02-08, 06:06 AM
I never thought I would improve this fast in this small amount of time. I'm shipping out to MCRD San Diego in January 5th, but I told my recruiter I want to ship out in December instead so we'll see. I chose my MOS already too, it's somewhere around 0600 which is communications.

Do you know any more specifics of your MOS? Do you know if you're going to 29 Palms or not? If you go to boot camp in January, you might end up in 29 Palms in May which is more or less just in time for the hot season.

In 29, you would be with MCCES B Co which seemed to have the most restrictions of anyone at MCCES. At 2200 Sunday through Thursday, everyone had to be in their rooms, and the DNCO would come around and ensure that. At 2200, my orders were just to ensure that the Marines were in or around the barracks.

11-02-08, 02:23 PM
Well I don't know anymore about my job, except I want to be a field radio operator 0621, and I want to work with a infantry unit.

I'm not leaving in January 5th anymore, I talked to my recruiter and I'm getting moved down to December 5th, so I'm going to boot camp in 30 days. My friend was going in December 5th, that's why. So I went to December 5th so I can go to boot camp with him in the buddy program.

11-02-08, 04:23 PM
Well I don't know anymore about my job, except I want to be a field radio operator 0621, and I want to work with a infantry unit.

I'm not leaving in January 5th anymore, I talked to my recruiter and I'm getting moved down to December 5th, so I'm going to boot camp in 30 days. My friend was going in December 5th, that's why. So I went to December 5th so I can go to boot camp with him in the buddy program.

Ah ok, so you will be with MCCES B Co. You'll probably be there mid-April to maybe June. It starts getting into the triple digit temps around May. The B Co schools are typically short compared to the other schools there. I'm guessing the course is about 1 month long but you may spend some time with MAT if you don't get put in class right when you get there.

Other Marines tend to call B Co Boot Camp Bravo because of the restrictions that the students have and the way the students are treated in comparison. Sometimes it seemed like B Co Marines were treated like little kids in comparison. That's not to say dumb stuff didn't happen in other companies, but I guess it was more visible with B Co.

Don't bring much with you when you go to MOS school and don't buy big stuff like TV while you're there. You'll be there maybe 1 or 2 months and I'm pretty sure you don't get TMO so you if you can't put it in your seabag or back pack, or can't wear it, or put it on a plane otherwise, do without it for a month or two. I used to see a some B Co Marines trying to sell off TVs and other stuff on the day they were leaving. You can bring a laptop if you want, but keep it locked up. Supposedly Marines don't steal from other Marines, but trust me, it happens. I don't know if B Co provides Internet access or not but you could buy cable or DSL access. Cable was much better than DSL but you have better access to the DSL provider.

You may see A and C Co Marines with large things like TVs, Xbox, Playstation, etc, but they could be there for 6 months or more so they get TMO to move their belongings when they leave.

11-02-08, 04:37 PM
lol thanks ecom, i'll keep that in mind. but i'm a bit more worried about boot camp at the moment... especially CWS and the Reaper

11-02-08, 05:00 PM
lol thanks ecom, i'll keep that in mind. but i'm a bit more worried about boot camp at the moment... especially CWS and the Reaper

haha...yeah I'm getting a bit ahead. I spent way too much time in 29 Palms unfortunately. I think it's made me a bit crazy.

Do you have trouble swimming? I didn't learn to swim until right before boot camp. CWS4 is the lowest level and simplest test. You jump from I think a 10 ft tower and then swim to the side, tread for about 4 minutes, and swim a short distance. The most difficult part for me was the treading portion. I buttoned up my sleeves tightly and the blouse all the way up. I took one hand held the blouse near the collar and blew into it. The effect was that a big air bubble formed right behind my shoulders and that pretty much kept me afloat (air will stay inside as long as the blouse is wet). You need the blouse somewhat tight around your neck to keep the air from escaping. This was one of the methods that was demonstrated.

The reaper wasn't that difficult. It was a long uphill climb; don't let the DIs catch you stopping though. I think after all the marches you should be ready for the reaper when the time comes. It's a bit psychological too because there are parts where it looks like it levels off and you think you're at the top but then you see the next uphill section and think....crap.

11-02-08, 05:13 PM
lol thanks man, i have trouble treading water and staying afloat. i can swim and all but if i stop swimming, i'm afraid i might sink.

when i try pushing myself or forcing myself under the water, i float up as fast as torpedo flying up and it's hard trying to go down because the force is really strong. but when my head is above the water, i sink a bit. so i'm kind of scared.

11-02-08, 05:13 PM
It's important to keep working on getting your endurance up, it will help a lot during boot camp. I can't tell you how far I could run before boot camp because I never ran more than 3 miles and I only did that a few times to make sure I could do it. I was in DEP for some 6 months.

Prior to boot camp and DEP, I was biking some 15 miles weekdays for commuting and lifting 3 or 4 times weekly so that had a lot to do with it.

11-02-08, 05:24 PM
lol thanks man, i have trouble treading water and staying afloat. i can swim and all but if i stop swimming, i'm afraid i might sink.

when i try pushing myself or forcing myself under the water, i float up as fast as torpedo flying up and it's hard trying to go down because the force is really strong. but when my head is above the water, i sink a bit. so i'm kind of scared.

I think that's more or less everyone. People don't naturally sink, that's why mobsters give people cement shoes and such.

For the swim test, you can only use breast stroke, side stroke, or back stroke (the easiest one for me). You will do this in cammies without boots so practice one and get good at it.

To do the back stroke, get in the water POA face up. Bend your knees and bring your hands up to your arm pits. Then spread your legs and kick them straight while your arms spread out to the side while still in the water (basically spread eagle position). Then go back to POA.

When you do the treading, you will wear cammies without boots. You can do the kick you do some kick to push you up a bit out of the water but you can't do that for 4 minutes. The method I described above is probably the easiest way to stay afloat for 4 minutes because as long as you have that bubble on your back, you really just wait there until the time is up. The air does escape slowly so you'll have to blow some air in periodically.

11-02-08, 05:55 PM
that's good that you are allowed to do the backstroke, because i float when i just lay on my back. and i can just easily rest and breath that way.