View Full Version : What to bring to ITB (west)

Will the Thrill
05-07-08, 02:15 PM
What items can one bring to ITB? ex(laptop, cell phone, camera) I just want to know so I don't bring something I'm not supposed to! Thanks!!

05-07-08, 02:45 PM
Get through recruit training first.

05-08-08, 08:54 PM
Just leave it at home and get it shipped to you when you get to the fleet. You can have some of the items, maybe even all of them, but you won't have all that much time off to be worrying about such things.

05-08-08, 09:32 PM
Wear sun glasses and a Marine Corps t-shirt is all that is required.

05-08-08, 10:06 PM
Sun Glasses are standard issue for Hollywood Marines.
".....standing tall and lookin good...."

05-08-08, 10:38 PM
Wow. You need to think about becoming a Marine first. The Marine Corps will ALWAYS let you know what you need and can have: from day freakin' 1. Has it crossed your mind that being a newly made Marine, the Corps would probably instruct you on this when the time was right?

05-12-08, 10:52 PM
Bring whatever you want, literally. You'll have a wall locker and some footlocker space. Laptops, Cell phones, camera, whatever your heart so desires. Just know that depending on the company that you pick up with they all have rules governing the use of electronics through the workweek. Some companys are more "chill" with the use of electronics. most companies "Bravely have rules against them" one comapny "Doesnt even care" "Other companies are more "A hole-ish" about them. Just read between the lines.