View Full Version : MEPS/Childhood asthma question

10-18-07, 03:16 PM
I address this post to any recruiter that may be able to shed some light on this, or had success with a similar situation. I have not been able to get a hold of my recruiter and would like some feedback on my "issue".

History (http://forums.*************/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=78919038&f=78192862&m=7910083151001&r=7910083151001#) about myself:
- I am applying for Marines OCS
- I have no current medical issues, but I insist on being as thorough as possible on my MEPS pre-screen. So I requested my complete medical history awhile back so I have all pertinent records on hand and can say I filled out the form to the best of my ability.

So here is the issue. When I was 7-8 years old I was given an inhaler, to be honest I am not entirely sure what it was for. My mom says it was for seasonal allergies, I think it was childhood asthma (http://forums.*************/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=78919038&f=78192862&m=7910083151001&r=7910083151001#). Part of the reason I requested my records was to confirm this.

Personally I have not had any issues for over a decade and no documented asthma attacks or anything of that nature past 13.

The issue though is that in my records there are a couple notes of a past medical history of Exercise Induced Asthma. It's very random, for example I had bad acne and for some reason there is a note that I have a past history of EIA. The thing is there are no documents reliably diagnosing it, and nothing covering treatment.

Since there are comments of EIA in my records, I cannot conscientiously say no "I never had an inhaler, or issues with Asthma". I have already scheduled a Pulmonary Function Test for Monday to verify that I do not have any issues. Do you think a passed PFT and admitting that I had Childhood asthma will be enough for MEPS? I have requested more records regarding the issue, but I don't really expect to get much more because I already requested a full complete history.

10-24-07, 11:33 AM
I know Marines who had EIA as a child. They are fine. I also had some respiratory issues as a young child due to my mother smoking during pregnancy (hey it was the early 70s, who knew?).

During Recruit Training I contracted a bronchial infection that looked and felt like asthma. I was almost sent home but one of the Navy Docs ran a few more tests and discovered the infection. Otherwise I would never have graduated.

Everyone has something they "forgot" to mention at MEPS otherwise, the Few and Proud would be even fewer. From what you described it shouldn't be a problem.

Good luck.

10-24-07, 09:41 PM
Passing the PFT won't hurt- but it won't help a great deal either. Just be honest, and keep a copy of your Pulmonary Function Test to show to the docs at MEPS. I had to go get one done- and everything was fine.