View Full Version : Marine Corps Reserve and IIADT?

10-15-07, 08:53 PM
Anyone know the difference between IIADT (Incremental Initial Active Duty for Training) and the Marine Corps Reserve?
And do you know when one must join IIADT relating to college enrollment?

Also I'm 5' 10" 153lbs is that gonna be a big factor during boot camp?

Thanks for your help!

10-15-07, 08:57 PM
sorry boy,, too happy to post...... fill your profile.I think someones calling me,,,,,,,

10-15-07, 09:06 PM
what else do you need to know?

10-15-07, 09:10 PM
He needs to know that you've read the rules (http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29048) and are complying with them. You have broken at least three so far.