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View Full Version : Meritorious Promotion Board

09-23-07, 02:50 PM
Hey y'all. Hope you're having a good one. I'm having a pretty damn good day, pretty good past month actually.

Got to the fleet. Worked, had some fun. Met many great new Marines. Goin' to the range this next week (gonna beat the hell out of my last qual of 232, even if it IS Wilcox range), but more importantly (to me), I was told that in the beginning of October I have a good possibility of finding myself on a board for meritorious Cpl.

Not too many people in my shop have had meritorious promotions, I don't believe. Regardless, every Marine in our shop has been constantly in motion for weeks and will be for more to come due to our upcoming LRE inspection; it doesn't give me a very good chance to get advice from them and learn everything I can about it.

So, I was wondering if all you devil dogs out there that've been meritoriously promoted or just thoroughly know the process could give me some details on what it may be like, how it works, what to expect, ya know, the whole 9 yards.

Please and thank you. S/F

09-23-07, 05:41 PM
Focus and don't get rattled.